Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Kevin Jorissen
Apologies, I should've put all this in 1 message.  I just wanted to make
really sure that things are indeed crashing where we think they are:

I reopened Athena, loaded the cyanobacteria.prj again, grabbed the plot log
(no warnings/errors/crashes have appeared in Athena at this point, although
the multi plot window is showing only the first subplot out of 4), put it
in a .plt file on the desktop, opened a gnu plot terminal independently
(from strawberry/c/gnuplot/bin or something like that), loaded the .plt
file, and indeed it chokes on the ranges:

gnuplot> load 'C:\Users\jorissen\Desktop\gnuplot.plt'
 "C:\Users\jorissen\Desktop\gnuplot.plt", line 100: Can't plot with
an empty x range!


The full .plt file is:

set output
set encoding iso_8859_15
set terminal wxt 1 font 'Arial,8' enhanced dashed title "Athena[Plot.1]"
set origin 0.01,0.01
set size 0.99,0.99
set autoscale
unset label
unset logscale
unset xrange
unset xtics
set xtics

## line styles
set style line 1  linecolor rgb "blue" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
pointtype 7
set style line 2  linecolor rgb "red" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 3  linecolor rgb "dark-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 4  linecolor rgb "dark-violet" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 5  linecolor rgb "yellow4" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 6  linecolor rgb "brown" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 7  linecolor rgb "dark-pink" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 8  linecolor rgb "gold" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 9  linecolor rgb "dark-cyan" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 10 linecolor rgb "spring-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1

## marker styles
set style line 12 linecolor rgb "#EE9A00"

## indicator styles
set style line 16 linecolor rgb "#8F3910" lt 3 lw 1.5
set style arrow 1 nohead ls 16
unset arrow

## plot formatting
set style line 20 linecolor rgb "#cc"
set grid ls 20
set key top right width 1 height 1 box
set label 99 '{/*0.6 Demeter 0.9.19 {\251} Bruce Ravel 2006-2014}' at
screen 0.7, screen 0.02 font 'Arial'
set output
set encoding iso_8859_15
set terminal wxt 1 font 'Arial,8' enhanced dashed title "Athena[Plot.1]"
set origin 0.01,0.01
set size 0.99,0.99
set autoscale
unset label
unset logscale
unset xrange
unset xtics
set xtics

## line styles
set style line 1  linecolor rgb "blue" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
pointtype 7
set style line 2  linecolor rgb "red" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 3  linecolor rgb "dark-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 4  linecolor rgb "dark-violet" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 5  linecolor rgb "yellow4" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 6  linecolor rgb "brown" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 7  linecolor rgb "dark-pink" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 8  linecolor rgb "gold" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 9  linecolor rgb "dark-cyan" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 10 linecolor rgb "spring-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1

## marker styles
set style line 12 linecolor rgb "#EE9A00"

## indicator styles
set style line 16 linecolor rgb "#8F3910" lt 3 lw 1.5
set style arrow 1 nohead ls 16
unset arrow

## plot formatting
set style line 20 linecolor rgb "#cc"
set grid ls 20
set key top right width 1 height 1 box
# 0.12: ifeffit group = ozun
set multiplot layout 2,2
unset key
unset label

## energy quadrant
set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
#set xrange [ 11918.952 : 11918.952 ]
plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_nkxkgsoz' using
1:2 with lines ls 2,\
 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_klrzlnbv' using
1:2 with lines ls 1,\
 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ducluvgs' using
1:2 with lines ls 3,\
 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_mtjutfnz' using
1:2 with lines ls 4

## k quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_rcaunifm' using
1:2 with lines ls 1

## R quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ogmlhgdf' using
1:2 with lines ls 1,\
 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ginwmqtf' using
1:2 with lines ls 2

## q quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25 ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Kevin Jorissen
-- just to be clear, the pasted section of the log is not the bottom part.
 It is followed by many more lines containing gnu plot settings (but no
"plot" commands).



On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 5:38 PM, Kevin Jorissen

> Out of curiosity, I installed 09.19 on a fresh Win8.1 64bit under VMWare.
>  No problems during installation.  I opened the cyanobacteria.prj data from
> Bruce's sample data repo in Athena.  After clicking around a few times
> (specifically, clicking the green arrow and the magnifying glass+red curve
> next to it in the toolbar of the plot window), I caused a "gnu plot.exe has
> stopped working" error.  Going into the monitor for the plotting log, I see
> a similar x-range problem as discovered by Robert Gordon:
> ## energy quadrant
> set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
> #set xrange [ 11918.952 : 11918.952 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_lydqknai' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 2,\
>  'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_kpklgmnh' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>  'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_djrhchms' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 3,\
>  'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_geakjukk' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 4
> ## k quadrant
> set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vyutwjzc' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1
> ## R quadrant
> set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_qeqqfnof' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>  'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_njjlolaa' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 2
> ## q quadrant
> set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25 ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ydrraees' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1
> So, I'm not offering anything new in this message, but perhaps confirming
> someone else's experience can help.  To be clear, this VM has never seen
> any kind of Demeter, perl, gnu plot, ... before this experiment.  It's a
> clean Windows (I only added java and feff9 on it at an earlier time) and
> current with all windows updates.
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Robert Gordon wrote:
>> Installing 0.9.19 overtop of and Athena works fine.
>> Installing 0.9.19 clean (deleting demeter directory under appdata/roaming)
>> 2nd attempt to open file in DAthena results in only 1 mini-graph.
>> Ranges are 0 for Emin/max, kmin/max, Rmin/max - putting a valid range
>> restores
>> full graph e.g. Rmin = 0 , Rmax = 6 gives full-size R-space graph...ditto
>> for fixing other
>> ranges. Fixed 3 out of 4 and read in a new file...obtained 3
>> mini-graphs...reset q range
>> as well and that one appears too.
>> Exited. Restarted. Read in file -
>> Show Command Buffer/Plot Buffer
>> ## energy quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
>> #set xrange [ 11870.11617648 : 11870.11617648 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vlxtfjcm' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 2,\
>>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_tfoziltm' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_fthredqy' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 3,\
>>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_iebbuian' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 4
>> ## k quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_xizghpwm' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1
>> ## R quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_nwtxpqxm' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vysurgrh' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 2
>> ## q quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25
>> ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_hxroumyr' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Kevin Jorissen
Out of curiosity, I installed 09.19 on a fresh Win8.1 64bit under VMWare.
 No problems during installation.  I opened the cyanobacteria.prj data from
Bruce's sample data repo in Athena.  After clicking around a few times
(specifically, clicking the green arrow and the magnifying glass+red curve
next to it in the toolbar of the plot window), I caused a "gnu plot.exe has
stopped working" error.  Going into the monitor for the plotting log, I see
a similar x-range problem as discovered by Robert Gordon:

## energy quadrant

set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"

set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"

set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"

#set xrange [ 11918.952 : 11918.952 ]

plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_lydqknai' using
1:2 with lines ls 2,\

 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_kpklgmnh' using
1:2 with lines ls 1,\

 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_djrhchms' using
1:2 with lines ls 3,\

 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_geakjukk' using
1:2 with lines ls 4

## k quadrant

set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"

set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"

set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"

set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]

plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vyutwjzc' using
1:2 with lines ls 1

## R quadrant

set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"

set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"

set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"

set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]

plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_qeqqfnof' using
1:2 with lines ls 1,\

 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_njjlolaa' using
1:2 with lines ls 2

## q quadrant

set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"

set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"

set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25 ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"

set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]

plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ydrraees' using
1:2 with lines ls 1

So, I'm not offering anything new in this message, but perhaps confirming
someone else's experience can help.  To be clear, this VM has never seen
any kind of Demeter, perl, gnu plot, ... before this experiment.  It's a
clean Windows (I only added java and feff9 on it at an earlier time) and
current with all windows updates.



On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Robert Gordon wrote:

> Installing 0.9.19 overtop of and Athena works fine.
> Installing 0.9.19 clean (deleting demeter directory under appdata/roaming)
> 2nd attempt to open file in DAthena results in only 1 mini-graph.
> Ranges are 0 for Emin/max, kmin/max, Rmin/max - putting a valid range
> restores
> full graph e.g. Rmin = 0 , Rmax = 6 gives full-size R-space graph...ditto
> for fixing other
> ranges. Fixed 3 out of 4 and read in a new file...obtained 3
> mini-graphs...reset q range
> as well and that one appears too.
> Exited. Restarted. Read in file -
> Show Command Buffer/Plot Buffer
> ## energy quadrant
> set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
> #set xrange [ 11870.11617648 : 11870.11617648 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vlxtfjcm' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 2,\
>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_tfoziltm' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_fthredqy' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 3,\
>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_iebbuian' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 4
> ## k quadrant
> set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_xizghpwm' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1
> ## R quadrant
> set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_nwtxpqxm' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>  'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vysurgrh' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 2
> ## q quadrant
> set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25 ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_hxroumyr' using
> 1:2 with lines ls 1
> unset multiplot
> So, seems to be setting the xranges to zero for a clean install these
> plots, and gnuplot
> doesn't plot if no xrange. If I reset, then I can move around and use
> DAthena 9.19
> without issue...DArtemis is still an unhappy DHuntress with fpj files...
> On 1/14/2014 3:28 PM, Bruce Ravel wrote:
>> On 01/14/2014 04:11 PM, Robert Gordon wrote:
>>> Hi Matt, Shoaib (and Bruce lurking in the luminiferous e

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Bruce Ravel

On 01/14/2014 05:17 PM, Robert Gordon wrote:

Installing 0.9.19 overtop of and Athena works fine.

Installing 0.9.19 clean (deleting demeter directory under appdata/roaming)
2nd attempt to open file in DAthena results in only 1 mini-graph.

Ranges are 0 for Emin/max, kmin/max, Rmin/max - putting a valid range
full graph e.g. Rmin = 0 , Rmax = 6 gives full-size R-space
graph...ditto for fixing other
ranges. Fixed 3 out of 4 and read in a new file...obtained 3
mini-graphs...reset q range
as well and that one appears too.

Thank you Robert.  This is very helpful information.


 Bruce Ravel

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Robert Gordon

Installing 0.9.19 overtop of and Athena works fine.

Installing 0.9.19 clean (deleting demeter directory under appdata/roaming)
2nd attempt to open file in DAthena results in only 1 mini-graph.

Ranges are 0 for Emin/max, kmin/max, Rmin/max - putting a valid range 
full graph e.g. Rmin = 0 , Rmax = 6 gives full-size R-space 
graph...ditto for fixing other
ranges. Fixed 3 out of 4 and read in a new file...obtained 3 
mini-graphs...reset q range

as well and that one appears too.

Exited. Restarted. Read in file -
Show Command Buffer/Plot Buffer
## energy quadrant
set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
#set xrange [ 11870.11617648 : 11870.11617648 ]
plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vlxtfjcm' using 
1:2 with lines ls 2,\
using 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
using 1:2 with lines ls 3,\
using 1:2 with lines ls 4

## k quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_xizghpwm' using 
1:2 with lines ls 1

## R quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_nwtxpqxm' using 
1:2 with lines ls 1,\
using 1:2 with lines ls 2

## q quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25 ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_hxroumyr' using 
1:2 with lines ls 1

unset multiplot

So, seems to be setting the xranges to zero for a clean install these 
plots, and gnuplot
doesn't plot if no xrange. If I reset, then I can move around and use 
DAthena 9.19

without issue...DArtemis is still an unhappy DHuntress with fpj files...

On 1/14/2014 3:28 PM, Bruce Ravel wrote:

On 01/14/2014 04:11 PM, Robert Gordon wrote:

Hi Matt, Shoaib (and Bruce lurking in the luminiferous ether),

I have 8.1 x64 on my laptop and just upgraded to 0.9.19 - clean install.
I can offer some additional details on this problem.

I read in a file in DAthena, extracted the chi(k) and saved the project.
All buttons worked. When the file was read in, 4 mini-graphs displayed,
and I could select k, E, R as desired for full graph.

The second time I run it, reading in the exact same file, only the
energy mini-graph
displays and the E,k and R buttons no longer produce any graphs.

 From the clean install, I saved the DAthena.prj. I started DArtemis,
read in the DAthena.prj
file, haven't tried fitting but saved the DArtemis fpj file.
If I try re-opening the fpj file I just saved in DArtemis, DArtemis
but re-opening the DAthena prj file after starting DArtemis is not a

In DAthena, if I go to the appdata/roaming/demeter directory and delete
the demeter.ini file,
DAthena will display all 4 mini-graphs when I open the prj file and the
k,R,E buttons work.


If you are inclined to help me with some troubleshooting, I have a 

If you can recreate the situation where only the energy part of the
quad plot is displayed and the plot buttons stop working, could you
tell me a couple things:

  1. What are the values for the plotting ranges in E, k, R, and q?
 The reason I ask is that I stumbled upon a situation where Emin,
 Emax, kmin, etc all got set to zero (as did a bunch of other
 parameters).  I could not figure out how to reproduce that
 problem, but it would be helpful to know if it happened to
 someone else.

  2. In the Monitor menu, click on "Show command buffer".  In the
 "Plot buffer" at the bottom of the window scroll up just a little
 bit to where you'll see lines that say things like

plot '/home/bruce/.horae/stash/gp_vdnzxmxl' using 1:2 with 
lines ls 1,\
 '/home/bruce/.horae/stash/gp_wfaastqg' using 1:2 with 
lines ls 2

 What I want to know is if the 8 random characters after
 "stash/gp_" are the same or different (as in my example here).

In short, I want to know if you have seen some problems I have
observed by not been able to reproduce.

0.9.19 does not appear to be one of my better packaging efforts, alas.


I uninstalled and went back to DAthena seems to work - all 4
mini-graphs, and E,k,R work.
DArtemis still opens, reads DAthena.prj but crashes when trying to read
fpj file created under

Going back to the last 0.8.0nn versions, no crashes from Artemi

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Bruce Ravel

On 01/14/2014 04:11 PM, Robert Gordon wrote:

Hi Matt, Shoaib (and Bruce lurking in the luminiferous ether),

I have 8.1 x64 on my laptop and just upgraded to 0.9.19 - clean install.
I can offer some additional details on this problem.

I read in a file in DAthena, extracted the chi(k) and saved the project.
All buttons worked. When the file was read in, 4 mini-graphs displayed,
and I could select k, E, R as desired for full graph.

The second time I run it, reading in the exact same file, only the
energy mini-graph
displays and the E,k and R buttons no longer produce any graphs.

 From the clean install, I saved the DAthena.prj. I started DArtemis,
read in the DAthena.prj
file, haven't tried fitting but saved the DArtemis fpj file.
If I try re-opening the fpj file I just saved in DArtemis, DArtemis
but re-opening the DAthena prj file after starting DArtemis is not a

In DAthena, if I go to the appdata/roaming/demeter directory and delete
the demeter.ini file,
DAthena will display all 4 mini-graphs when I open the prj file and the
k,R,E buttons work.


If you are inclined to help me with some troubleshooting, I have a request.

If you can recreate the situation where only the energy part of the
quad plot is displayed and the plot buttons stop working, could you
tell me a couple things:

  1. What are the values for the plotting ranges in E, k, R, and q?
 The reason I ask is that I stumbled upon a situation where Emin,
 Emax, kmin, etc all got set to zero (as did a bunch of other
 parameters).  I could not figure out how to reproduce that
 problem, but it would be helpful to know if it happened to
 someone else.

  2. In the Monitor menu, click on "Show command buffer".  In the
 "Plot buffer" at the bottom of the window scroll up just a little
 bit to where you'll see lines that say things like

plot '/home/bruce/.horae/stash/gp_vdnzxmxl' using 1:2 with 
lines ls 1,\
 '/home/bruce/.horae/stash/gp_wfaastqg' using 1:2 with 
lines ls 2

 What I want to know is if the 8 random characters after
 "stash/gp_" are the same or different (as in my example here).

In short, I want to know if you have seen some problems I have
observed by not been able to reproduce.

0.9.19 does not appear to be one of my better packaging efforts, alas.


I uninstalled and went back to DAthena seems to work - all 4
mini-graphs, and E,k,R work.
DArtemis still opens, reads DAthena.prj but crashes when trying to read
fpj file created under

Going back to the last 0.8.0nn versions, no crashes from Artemis or Athena.

Hope this helps.


On 1/14/2014 12:38 PM, Matt Newville wrote:

Hi Shoaib,

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Shoaib Muhammad


I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after
upgrade I can’t run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:

1-  If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try
to open
previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any error.
Artemis also shows similar behavior.

2-  By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is
different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the E,k,R
buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening any
project file without any error.

I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of
Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility mode.

Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried
to “run
as Admin” but no improvement.

Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1
x64 but
similar behavior is received.

Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on
daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter 0.9.13
under Window 8.1 x64.


Shoaib Muhammad

Department of Energy Science

Sungkyunkwan University

South Korea

Ifeffit mailing list

I think you might be in mostly uncharted waters with 64-bit Windows 8.
  I have access to many Windows machines, but I don't know of any
64-bit Windows 8.1 machines in our group.

If you're up for it, it might be worth installing demeter from source
from the github repository, following
and asking for help if you get stuck.

I'm sure it would be a great help to others if you did this


Ifeffit mailing list

 Bruce Ravel

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Bruce Ravel

On 01/14/2014 04:21 PM, Bruce Ravel wrote:

The log files you attached are reporting a problem that was corrected
in 0.9.18.  The updater to bring 0.9.13 up to 0.9.18 is available at
the bottom of the page at

I should stress that it is not necessary to apply the updates in
sequence.  You can install the 0.9.18 update on top of 0.9.13.


 Bruce Ravel

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Bruce Ravel

On 01/14/2014 11:46 AM, Shoaib Muhammad wrote:


I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after
this upgrade I can’t run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:

1-If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try to open
previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any error.
Artemis also shows similar behavior.

2-By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is slightly
different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the E,k,R
buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening any
project file without any error.

I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of
Windows7. Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility

Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried to
“run as Admin” but no improvement.

Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1 x64
but similar behavior is received.

Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on
almost daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter
0.9.13 running under Window 8.1 x64.

Hi Shoaib,

I am sorry this is so frustrating for you.  I share your pain.  I only
have access to a limited number of platforms.  I try hard to make a
quality release that will work for many people, but the simple truth
is that my testing resources are limited.

You are actually reporting two problems.

The log files you attached are reporting a problem that was corrected
in 0.9.18.  The updater to bring 0.9.13 up to 0.9.18 is available at
the bottom of the page at

You simply cannot step back to 0.9.13 if you have used 0.9.18 and
expect to be able to read athena project files coming from the later
version.  That was a painful change to the code, but a necessary one.

As for the problems with the new release, you are the second person to
report problems.  Georges Siddiqi has very kindly been helping me
track down the problems, but so far to no avail.  I am suspicious that
I may have neglected to include some important file in the new
installer package.  Without the log file that gets written by the
crashing athena or artemis, there is nothing I can do to troubleshoot.

I am seeing none of these problems on any of my own computers,
although I do not have a Win8 machine at my disposal.


 Bruce Ravel

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Robert Gordon

Hi Matt, Shoaib (and Bruce lurking in the luminiferous ether),

I have 8.1 x64 on my laptop and just upgraded to 0.9.19 - clean install.
I can offer some additional details on this problem.

I read in a file in DAthena, extracted the chi(k) and saved the project.
All buttons worked. When the file was read in, 4 mini-graphs displayed,
and I could select k, E, R as desired for full graph.

The second time I run it, reading in the exact same file, only the 
energy mini-graph

displays and the E,k and R buttons no longer produce any graphs.

From the clean install, I saved the DAthena.prj. I started DArtemis, 
read in the DAthena.prj

file, haven't tried fitting but saved the DArtemis fpj file.
If I try re-opening the fpj file I just saved in DArtemis, DArtemis crashes,
but re-opening the DAthena prj file after starting DArtemis is not a 

In DAthena, if I go to the appdata/roaming/demeter directory and delete 
the demeter.ini file,
DAthena will display all 4 mini-graphs when I open the prj file and the 
k,R,E buttons work.

I uninstalled and went back to DAthena seems to work - all 4 
mini-graphs, and E,k,R work.
DArtemis still opens, reads DAthena.prj but crashes when trying to read 
fpj file created under

Going back to the last 0.8.0nn versions, no crashes from Artemis or Athena.

Hope this helps.


On 1/14/2014 12:38 PM, Matt Newville wrote:

Hi Shoaib,

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Shoaib Muhammad  wrote:


I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after this
upgrade I can’t run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:

1-  If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try to open
previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any error.
Artemis also shows similar behavior.

2-  By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is slightly
different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the E,k,R
buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening any
project file without any error.

I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of Windows7.
Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility mode.

Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried to “run
as Admin” but no improvement.

Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1 x64 but
similar behavior is received.

Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on almost
daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter 0.9.13 running
under Window 8.1 x64.


Shoaib Muhammad

Department of Energy Science

Sungkyunkwan University

South Korea

Ifeffit mailing list

I think you might be in mostly uncharted waters with 64-bit Windows 8.
  I have access to many Windows machines, but I don't know of any
64-bit Windows 8.1 machines in our group.

If you're up for it, it might be worth installing demeter from source
from the github repository, following
and asking for help if you get stuck.

I'm sure it would be a great help to others if you did this


Ifeffit mailing list

Dr. Robert Gordon
Staff Scientist, PNCSRF
APS Sector 20 (PNC/XSD)
9700 S Cass Ave. 435E
Argonne, IL, USA  60439

630-252-0580 fax

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Matt Newville
Hi Shoaib,

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Shoaib Muhammad  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after this
> upgrade I can’t run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:
> 1-  If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try to open
> previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any error.
> Artemis also shows similar behavior.
> 2-  By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is slightly
> different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the E,k,R
> buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening any
> project file without any error.
> I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of Windows7.
> Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility mode.
> Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried to “run
> as Admin” but no improvement.
> Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1 x64 but
> similar behavior is received.
> Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on almost
> daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter 0.9.13 running
> under Window 8.1 x64.
> Thanks,
> Shoaib Muhammad
> Department of Energy Science
> Sungkyunkwan University
> South Korea
> ___
> Ifeffit mailing list

I think you might be in mostly uncharted waters with 64-bit Windows 8.
 I have access to many Windows machines, but I don't know of any
64-bit Windows 8.1 machines in our group.

If you're up for it, it might be worth installing demeter from source
from the github repository, following
and asking for help if you get stuck.

I'm sure it would be a great help to others if you did this


Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Shoaib Muhammad
Thanks Christopher for your kind reply,


Actually, virtualbox or alternative OS would be my last resort in case I
could not solve this issue. I would prefer to somehow solve this issue under
Windows8 x64 to keep my system simple and take maximum advantage of updated





[] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:30 AM
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit




Do you have any experience with virtual machines?  You could run it on a
stable earlier version of Windows that you previous used before upgrading.
Virtualbox and Linux would completely free and you could probably be up and
running in less than an hour.


Just a thought,




Dr. Christopher Patridge
Assistant Professor
Department of Math and Natural Sciences 
D'youville College
Contact: 315-529-0501


On Jan 14, 2014, at 11:46 AM, "Shoaib Muhammad"> > wrote:



I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after this
upgrade I can't run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:


1-  If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try to open
previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any error.
Artemis also shows similar behavior.

2-  By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is slightly
different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the E,k,R
buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening any
project file without any error.


I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of Windows7.
Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility mode.

Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried to "run
as Admin" but no improvement.

Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1 x64 but
similar behavior is received.


Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on almost
daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter 0.9.13 running
under Window 8.1 x64.



Shoaib Muhammad

Department of Energy Science

Sungkyunkwan University

South Korea

Ifeffit mailing list


Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Chris Patridge

Do you have any experience with virtual machines?  You could run it on a stable 
earlier version of Windows that you previous used before upgrading.  Virtualbox 
and Linux would completely free and you could probably be up and running in 
less than an hour.

Just a thought,


Dr. Christopher Patridge
Assistant Professor
Department of Math and Natural Sciences 
D'youville College
Contact: 315-529-0501

On Jan 14, 2014, at 11:46 AM, "Shoaib Muhammad"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after this 
> upgrade I can’t run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:
> 1-  If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try to open 
> previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any error. 
> Artemis also shows similar behavior.
> 2-  By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is slightly 
> different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the E,k,R 
> buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening any 
> project file without any error.
> I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of Windows7. 
> Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility mode.
> Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried to “run 
> as Admin” but no improvement.
> Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1 x64 but 
> similar behavior is received.
> Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on almost 
> daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter 0.9.13 running 
> under Window 8.1 x64.
> Thanks,
> Shoaib Muhammad
> Department of Energy Science
> Sungkyunkwan University
> South Korea
> ___
> Ifeffit mailing list

Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] Demeter not working on Windows 8.1 64bit

2014-01-14 Thread Shoaib Muhammad


I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after this
upgrade I can't run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:


1-  If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try to open
previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any error.
Artemis also shows similar behavior.

2-  By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is slightly
different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the E,k,R
buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening any
project file without any error.


I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of Windows7.
Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility mode.

Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried to "run
as Admin" but no improvement. 

Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1 x64 but
similar behavior is received.


Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on almost
daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter 0.9.13 running
under Window 8.1 x64.



Shoaib Muhammad

Department of Energy Science

Sungkyunkwan University

South Korea

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
Ifeffit mailing list