LL:URL: Meet Winston:

2000-02-17 Thread Agit Prop Central
Future Australian Prime Minister Inaugurates Web Presence I would like to thank everyone who sent get well greetings to Winston -- the vent figure who will one day be our own DIY prime minister. It has been of immense comfort to Winston and myself to know that so many of you have been

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week____________________________________________________________________________GLW: http://www.greeenleft.org.au/glw@greenleft.org.ausubscriptions@greenleft.org.au_____________________________________

2000-02-08 Thread Agit Prop Central
Subscription hotline: 1 800 634 206 Freecall ___ Green Left Weekly, Issue #392 February 9, 2000 Green Left Weekly

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

2000-02-02 Thread Agit Prop Central
__ __ GLW: http://www.greeenleft.org.au/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] _ Subscription hotline: 1 800 634 206 Freecall

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

2000-01-19 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #389 January 19, 2000 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: EAST TIMOR DEMONSTRATES

LL:PR: APC # Greetings from the Agit Prop Caucus

2000-01-19 Thread Agit Prop Central
Hi, What with one thing or another the Agit Prop Caucus has got no where since last May. But with the new century here the APC has taken upon itself to be more than just a webpage. I guarantee it. The transition happened during the recent Marxism 2000 Conference in Sydney. I gave a

LL:PR: MARXISM 2000 Conference

1999-12-07 Thread Agit Prop Central
Marxism 2000 conference: confident in the future of socialism By John Percy Whose century was the 20th, and whose century will the 21st be? As the millennium draws to a close, we should reflect on this. Capitalism is still in power across most of the globe.

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-12-07 Thread Agit Prop Central
GLW: http://www.greeenleft.org.au/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscription hotline: 1 800 634 206 Freecall Green Left Weekly, Issue #388 December 8, 1999

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-11-23 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #386 November 24, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: HELP REBUILD EAST TIMOR The people of East Timor

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-11-17 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #385 November 17, 1999 http://www.greenleft.org.au/ Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-11-09 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #384 November 10, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: GLOBAL WARMING: AUSTRALIA THE WORST OFFENDER An

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-10-26 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #382 October 27, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: EAST TIMOR AFTER

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-10-19 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #381 October 20, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: RICH NATIONS

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week.

1999-09-22 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #377 September 22, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: WIRANTO AND HOWARD: PARTNERS IN GENOCIDE The

LL:INDEX: What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-09-14 Thread Agit Prop Central
This is a special issue: This is a special issue of Green Left Weekly devoted to helping all those who support East Timor's right to freedom and justice to be well informed and more active in solidarity with that nation's desperate struggle. To obtain GLW's comprehensive coverage of

LL:ART:Noam Chomsky, Why Americans Should Care About East Timo

1999-09-09 Thread Agit Prop Central
--- Article from: http://motherjones.com/east_timor/comment/chomsky.html ZNET http://www.lbbs.org/weluser.htm (news) East Timor Action Network (contacts, sample letters) http://www.etan.org/ + "...United States...helped create and sustain the

LL:ART:Edward Said on imperialist Non-intervention in East Timo

1999-09-09 Thread Agit Prop Central
-- And here is one of our daily commentaries, this one for Sept 8 from Edward Herman -- we mail one of these every late night for the next morning to our Sustainers (see http://www.zmag.org/commentaries/donorform.htm), but are sending this one to our free updates list as well because of

LL:INDEX:What's in Green Left Weekly this week

1999-09-08 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #375 September 8, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: EAST TIMOR: WHAT ROLE FOR PEACEKEEPERS?

LL:URL: Satire Workshop

1999-08-25 Thread Agit Prop Central
__ === DAVE RILEY'S SATIRE WORKSHOP home of GRAFFITO--political satire on line The New World Order Theatre The Agit Prop Caucus The Mask

LL:INDEX: Green left Weekly #371

1999-08-09 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #371 August 11, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: THEY JAIL UNIONISTS IN INDONESIA, DON'T LET IT HAPPEN HERE Indonesian trade union leader Dita Sari

LL:INDEX: Green Left Weekly # 369

1999-07-29 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #369 July 28, 1999 PLEASE NOTE NEW URL FOR Green Left Weekly http://www.greenleft.org.au/ Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: TIMOR CONSPIRACY:

LL:ART: INDONESIAN ELECTION: Green Left Weekly - June 23, 1999

1999-06-25 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly - June 23, 1999 = Golkar rejected in Indonesian poll By Max Lane As counting of votes in Indonesia's June 7 election continues, more and more reports are emerging of vote rigging and cheating by the ruling Golkar party. The University

LL:URL: Kosova website/resources

1999-05-19 Thread Agit Prop Central
The Australian Democratic Socialist Party has set up a special web site focusing on the Balkan war. Statements against NATO, an archive of all Green Left Weekly coverage of the issue, and a selection of relevant links can also be accessed from this new location.. The new site is at:

LL:INDEX: Green Left Weekly #361

1999-05-18 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #361 May 19, 1999 http://www.peg.apc.org/~greenleft Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: NATO'S WAR ON

LL:INFO:Green Left Weekly: Kosova Coverage

1999-05-08 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly's coverage of the NATO war in the Balkans has been extensive. If you missed some of these articles, here is a selection you can obtain from our archives. If you do not have web access simply click on the "mailto" tag below then send to receive these and other articles

LL:PR: International statement against the Balkan war.

1999-05-03 Thread Agit Prop Central
Stop the US/NATO war on Serbia! Self-determination for Kosova! The following international statement has been initiated by Green Left Weekly. If you agree, please return your endorsement (include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and your organisation or position for

LL:INDEX: Green Left Weekly #358

1999-04-30 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #358 April 28, 1999 http://www.peg.apc.org/~greenleft Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: COVER STORY

LL:INDEX: Green Left Weekly # 356

1999-04-12 Thread Agit Prop Central
Green Left Weekly, Issue #356 April 14, 1999 http://www.peg.apc.org/~greenleft Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: WHY NATO

LL:ART:EAST TIMOR: Send aid, not troops!

1999-03-12 Thread Agit Prop Central
East Timor: send aid, not troops! FROM GREEN LEFT WEEKLY #350 http://www.peg.apc.org/~greenleft Green Left Weekly's JON LAND spoke to MAX LANE, national secretary of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor about the latest developments towards self-determination for East

LL:INDEX # Green Left Weekly,

1999-03-09 Thread Agit Prop Central
GREEN LEFT WEEKLY http://www.peg.apc.org/greenleft Issue #352 March 10, 1999 Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this