[Rdkit-discuss] Compiling issues

2010-11-15 Thread Markus Kossner
Hi Greg, I have tried to install the latest RDKit on a freshly installed Ubuntu 10.10. After installing python-dev, sqlite3, numpy, bison, flex AND THE BOOST LIBRARIES VIA APT (boost 1.42), I additionally installed boost 1.4.2 in /opt/boost_1_42_0. During the cmake step flex and bison were

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Compiling issues

2010-11-15 Thread Markus Kossner
Hi Greg, exactly that was the case. RDKit nicely installs now! Cheers, Markus On 11/15/2010 10:05 AM, Greg Landrum wrote: HI Markus, On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Markus Kossner m.koss...@googlemail.com wrote: Hi Greg, I have tried to install the latest RDKit on a freshly installed

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] coordinates in Conformer class are different from the original sdf file

2010-08-09 Thread markus kossner
정종영 wrote: Hi, I found that the xyz coordinates in conformer class are different from coordinates in the original input sdf file. Why does the loss of original cooridinates happen? And how can I use Conformer with original coordinates in input file? Jongyoung

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] 'SDWriter' object has no attribute 'close

2010-06-10 Thread markus kossner
Cedric MORETTI wrote: Hello all, I have I little problem with RDKIT( I hope :D) My program don’t arrive to close the SDwriter whereas I put the command “writer.close()” and Chem.SDWriter.close() in the end of programm I just let the part of the code that is import for understand the

[Rdkit-discuss] van der Waals Radii

2010-06-09 Thread markus kossner
Hi Greg, I just searched for a possibility to query an Atom for its van der Waals Radius, but did not find a 'pythonic way' like an Atom-Property or the like in the docu. Do you have a hint on the best way to get this information using the RDKit? Thank you in advance, Markus

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Can't kekulize mol

2010-05-31 Thread markus kossner
bouille wrote: Dear Greg How I can raise the following error ? 291475, COc1ccc(cc1)\C=C1\[S]=C(Nc2ccc(cc2)S(N)(=O)=O)NC1=O |t:11| Traceback (most recent call last): File /home/bouille/DescriptorsCalcul/3mon3D.py, line 85, in module sdf3D = Chem.MolToMolBlock(molH) ValueError:

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] read a smi files

2010-03-25 Thread markus kossner
Dear Sedric, I copied and pasted the smiles codes to a local file and used the following python snippet: #I don't use cynfony, so this is pure RDKit Version Q4_2009 on Ubunto 9.4 from rdkit import Chem suppl = Chem.SmilesMolSupplier(test.smi) for mol in suppl: print mol.GetNumAtoms() The

[Rdkit-discuss] Where to find the CompressedSDMolSupplier

2010-02-06 Thread markus kossner
Dear All, I read about a CompressedSDMolSupplier (assuming it is a Supplier for zipped sd files, isn't it?) in the release Notes for Q32009_1. However I could neither find a function like that in the rdkit.Chem Module nor any hint in the docs. Could anyone please give me a pointer? Cheers,

[Rdkit-discuss] Some failing tests after installation

2009-11-20 Thread Markus Kossner
Hi Greg, I updated to the latest RDKit installation using boost_1_41_0 and the compilation did not throw any error (boost as well as rdkit). However when I run the tests, I get some errors from two scripts as follows (The first representatives per script):