Re: [biofuel] Corporate ethics

2004-03-27 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 3/26/2004 12:01:30 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: IF you don't mind, and even if you do, we can do without this toxic Wise Use BS. Thank you for your flame. I had not realized that the group was to be censored for political correctness or that ad

Re: [biofuel] Corporate ethics

2004-03-26 Thread esbuck
Font Size: Power to the People? By Paul Driessen Published 03/25/2004 E-Mail Bookmark Print Save TCS On January 22, Citigroup directors and executives fell all over each other, rushing to claim their Ethical Oscar from the radical activist group, Rainforest Action Network.

Re: [biofuel] Hydrogen Hokum Round-up

2004-03-26 Thread esbuck
Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division - dihydrogen monoxide info Every concerned environmentalist should visit this site. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-- Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your

[biofuel] fuel cell technology

2004-03-24 Thread esbuck
SCIENCE NEWS, vol. 165, reports, :A team of environmental engineers at Pennsylvania State Universitycreated a fuel cell that breaks down organic matter in wastewater and, in the process, generates small amounts of electricity. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [biofuel] Re: Moral Dilemma...

2004-03-18 Thread esbuck
I don't really want to get into this debate but I think we do get something out of that 50%, unlike slaves. We have roads, social services, all variety of things we depend on. The slaves of the old South got something for their 50%: clothes, housing, health care, roads, all variety of

[biofuel] From SCIENCE NEWS, March 6, 2004

2004-03-15 Thread esbuck
Researchers at the University of Minnesota, Twin cities, have come up with an efficient method of converting ethanol, the alcohol produced by the fermentation of corn, into hydrogen fuelThe scientists calculate that their hydrogen-generating system could capture more than 50 percent of the

Re: [biofuel] From SCIENCE NEWS, March 6, 2004

2004-03-15 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 3/15/2004 10:45:59 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: . Then we could ask what the point is, and under what circumstances we might want to make use of this process, and under what circumstances leave the ethanol alone. The objective was to make hydrogen for

Re: [biofuel] Re: Moral Dilemma...

2004-03-14 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 2/22/2004 10:50:48 AM Central Standard Time, Slavery was a real thing. It was well documented. It is alive and well in more parts of the world than I care to know. Lets see, now. A slave is a worker who is not allowed to keep the product (or wages) of his labor. In the

Re: [biofuel] Re: Connecticut versus Biodiesel

2004-03-13 Thread esbuck
One gets the impression that Connecticut legislators are control freaks who can be bought by special interests, just like 99 per cent of American politicians. I am constantly amazed by the number of people who believe, I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you. [Non-text portions

Re: [biofuel] 5000 mpg in France........

2004-03-13 Thread esbuck
Yes, but how many bags of groceries will it carry? Where does the license plate go? Will the landlord let you park it in hallway or in the bicycle rack? Wouldn't a bicycle be cheaper, healthier, more useful? [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Biofuel at Journey to

Re: [biofuel] Gas Prices Reach Record Highs

2004-03-10 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 3/9/2004 6:40:38 PM Central Standard Time If Battery EVs continue to be conspicuously and unfairly excluded from consideration, based on disingenuous and partly-false claims about lack of demand and lack of performance of advanced batteries and what-not, OK, suppose we

Re: [biofuel] Resurgence of Atkins Diet

2004-02-24 Thread esbuck
If ADM sells less as high carb. food, because people are on the Atkins diet, they will sell more chicken feed, so they win either way. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-- Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill

Re: [biofuel] Weapons of Mass Deception

2004-02-24 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 2/24/2004 4:00:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: . At this point any of the alternative party candidates are merely spoilers, and votes for any of them are effectively votes for Bush. If your only goal it to defeat Mr. Bush, you vote for the lesser of

[biofuel] Apology

2004-02-23 Thread esbuck
not appreciate that, while he sent it, he did not write it. The credit for the erroneous statement belongs to Duncan Maxwell Anderson. I have experienced the same sort of problem. For example, I posted an article from the Washington Post, and got a reply, esbuck=MORON, though I had

Re: [biofuel] Re: Make plans to shut O'Hare down long-term

2004-02-23 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 2/23/2004 12:07:36 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Perhaps. But don't forget that the particulates in question are soot, which tends to absorb heat rather than reflecting it. That's the point. The soot absorbs heat that would otherwise reach the ground

Re: [biofuel] Bush administration fudging data top scientists warn

2004-02-23 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 2/23/2004 11:54:12 AM Central Standard Time , or the forthcoming ice age, or global warming... grants, endowments, and tenure mean they're going to find whatever they're paid to find, and now that's global warming. no, quite the contrary. Scientists in industry may be paid

Re: [biofuel] Bhopal

2004-02-23 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 2/23/2004 7:30:44 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: such as Union Carbide's metamorphosis into Dow Chemicals after its corporate terrorism in Bhopal (1984). As I understood it, there was terrorism, but not by Union Carbide. Someone sabotaged the plant.

Re: [biofuel] GMOs are Bad Bad Bad

2004-02-23 Thread esbuck
It is my understanding that most of the foods we eat are genetically modified, but the mods. were made millenia ago. Corn (maise) cannot reproduce without human help, since the kernels, seeds, stick to the cob. Obviously, corn is genetically different than wild maise. similarly with wheat.

Re: [biofuel] Re: Moral Dilemma...

2004-02-22 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 2/21/2004 2:01:57 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Surprise? No way. They knew for months that it was coming, it was just a matter of when. You know you are going to die; it's just a matter of when. So, if you are mortally wounded by a burglar at 3 am,

Re: [biofuel] Lead and asbestos

2004-02-22 Thread esbuck
Yes, we all know that lead and some asbestos is harmful to children if they are sufficiently exposed to it. The point, however, is: is it worth $ millons to reduce a very small risk to zero when those millions could be better applied? How about spending the money on vaccinations (to reduce

Re: [biofuel] Re: Make plans to shut O'Hare down long-term

2004-02-21 Thread esbuck
Much simpler. Readjust the aircraft fuel controls to make a smokier exhaust. It will only cost 1-2% in additional fuel, and the particles wil be very small, practically invisible. The result, however, will be reflected sunlight and increased emission of IR radiation, thus cooling the earth,

Re: [biofuel] Re: Moral Dilemma...

2004-02-21 Thread esbuck
Those who feel the pre-emptive surpise attack on Iraq, killing thousands of civilians, was morally justified cite the following beliefs. If they were sincerely held, even if not supported by facts, then the war was justified. 1. Saddam Hussein was a nasty man. 2. Iraq might be giving aid and

Re: [biofuel] Vanagon seals

2004-02-21 Thread esbuck
Just one more bit of data: My brother drove coast to coast and back, 10,000 km, using 100% raw cottonseed oil in a Continental diesel. When he checked the injectors, etc. there was no detectable damage. The only problem he had was having to warm the fuel when going over the Sierras (freezing

Re: [biofuel] What Just One Company Can Do To the World

2004-02-05 Thread esbuck
Let's see. The Northern hemisphere was warmer a thousand years ago than it is now. Was Exxon involved? Was there a secret Kyoto-style treaty to cut back on the use of fuel to heat castles, which caused the little ice age? It has been warming for the last 600 years or so. Does that

Re: Re[2]: [biofuel] Global Warming

2004-02-05 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 2/4/2004 1:08:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: . It was a fact known to everyone including the highly educated that the earth was flat. A fact is something which can be objectively observed. Any competent observer had plenty of facts that the earth

Re: [biofuel] Climate Change Alert

2004-02-04 Thread esbuck
The Department of Defense is wassting money worrying about climate change. That's not their mission. We have a new Department of Homeland Security to second-guess God. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Re: [biofuel] Fuel Saver Pro

2004-01-24 Thread esbuck
It's pure witchcraft. If it really could save fuel, it would be standard equipment, to help meet CAFE standards. Logically, is there anything you can do to the fuel in a pipe, not changing its chemical makeup or temperature in any way, which would increase the energy content by 25 %? If

Re: [biofuel] food for thought

2003-12-31 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 12/29/2003 9:55:00 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Just imagine if the building codes in this country were changed so that every new building had to be whole wall rated at R45... how much coal burning could be eliminated by making such a small change. So

Re: [biofuel] In response to Caroline

2003-12-30 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 12/29/2003 12:48:08 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Sometimes I get so exasperated with those who are in charge of regulating what we do on a personal basis. And who gave them the authority to regulate what you do? Do they work for you, as public

Re: [biofuel] Toilets

2003-12-29 Thread esbuck
Yes, pressure toilets are fine. I have one. Unfortunately, it's not made for a man of my caliber; the output pipe is too small in diameter. If it doesn't do the job in five or six flushes, I get out the snake. By the way, the solution to wasting water on fluids is to urinate in the sink

Re: [biofuel] Re: Nothing ... it's people Was: What's wrong with corporati...

2003-12-28 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 12/27/2003 11:34:53 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What they found was that most people would undergo a sacrifice, even a monetary sacrifice, in order to demonstrate their natural generosity so that someone they didn't know, hadn't met and never

Re: [biofuel] opinions on US energy situation? (was Alaska etc.)

2003-12-27 Thread esbuck
I enjoy reading the opinions expressed in this group, but I sometimes have a sense of unease, not about energy sources but about the people. They seem to say: I know better than you do what is best for you, and that justifies using force and theft (eg. taxes) to make you do what is good for

Re: [biofuel] Re: Military diesel motorcycles and other cool stuff...

2003-12-23 Thread esbuck
Several years ago, I set out to build a diesel engine to a specification of 50 hp. from a 50 lb. mechanism. (7 lb/hp is more typical) It was about the size of a roll of paper twoels and perfectly balanced, weighed 53 lb. minus the fuel pump. While it was designed for unmanned aircraft, it

Re: [biofuel] The Warm Flat Earth Society

2003-12-10 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 12/10/2003 11:23:50 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Major global climate change, triggered by rapidly increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, is an established fact. Human activity as the major cause of it is an established fact. No, it's not a

[biofuel] Re: NOx

2003-12-05 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 12/5/2003 2:22:43 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: is there any other way to minimise NOx during combustion of bio diesel? Just a reminder: One man's pollution is another's plant food. Whatever EPA says, NOx is essential for the growth of plants.

Re: [biofuel] Two birds with one stone...

2003-12-04 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 12/3/2003 9:00:10 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: How hard would it be to filter CO2 from the air here on Earth, provide methane for fuel and release O2 to curb or reduce global warming? The CO2 in the Earth's atmoshere is a small fraction of one percent,

Re: [biofuel] The Versatile Engine

2003-12-03 Thread esbuck
The Sterling engine was invented about 150 years ago, and they have been around for a long time. However, it's not easy to build a good one. NASA spent a lot of money, more or less fruitlessly. There are simpler hot air engines (I have a patent on one) which will work on any heat source,

Re: [biofuel] Expert Pans Ethanol

2003-12-03 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 12/3/2003 2:28:58 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Sounds like he's been reading Pimento's stuff. The question is: is he right? The fact that he's a chemical engineer does not, in itself, suggest that he's wrong, does it? [Non-text portions of this

Re: [biofuel] small diesel engines made in US for passenger cars?

2003-10-31 Thread esbuck
Continental used to make a smallish diesel engine they called their litre-enegine, because it was metric. It went out of production years ago for lack of demand, but the tooling may still exist. By the way, it ran very well on raw cottonseed oil. [Non-text portions of this message have

Re: [biofuel] Washing Machine as Processor

2003-09-20 Thread esbuck
Go to a store which caters to farmers. They will have all sorts of metal and plastic containers, plus pumps, mixers, etc., which farmers use for mixing fertilizer, pesticides, etc. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

Re: [biofuel] Going for the all-time O-Zone Hole Record...

2003-09-16 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 9/15/2003 7:46:31 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: (though I'm generally of the working view that there seems to be enough evidence of man-induced change to warrant action immediately) What is the evidence? There are computer simulations that model an

Re: [biofuel] EVs destined for the crusher -- hybrid vehicles

2003-09-16 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 9/16/2003 12:25:09 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The thermal component of the equation affects efficiency a great deal. Thus the time of storage has to be quite short if you are not to lose a lot of efficiency. Kirk Response: The thermal component is

Re: [biofuel] Biggest growers pocket 71 percent of U.S. farm subsidies

2003-09-14 Thread esbuck
Congressman Davy Crockett (the guy at the alamo) opposed a subsidy with a very well expressed argument. Basically, it is theft (you know, like Robin Hood) to take money (taxes) from his constituents to give to someone else, even in a good cause. In one such case, he offered to donate a

Re: [biofuel] OT: (fwd) EVs destined for the crusher

2003-09-13 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 9/13/2003 12:32:12 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: But I do know that there are some willing buyers and leasors who want highway capable EVs, and that Toyota has firmly participated in the unanimous major-manufacturer industry-wide wall to not make

Re: [biofuel] Darryl Hannah Turns O'Reilly on to Biodiesel

2003-09-13 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 9/12/2003 1:23:38 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: If your aim is more subversive, like energy being dispersed and homegrown rather than centralized for the profit of corporations, any cool thing like biodiesel is always at risk of being taken out of your

Re: [biofuel] WVO blends and diesel additives

2003-09-13 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 9/12/2003 1:26:57 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My question though is this I understand that there can be problems of coking when using SVO or WVO that has not been converted to bio-d. Well, I am very limited for space in my garage (full of all my

Re: [biofuel] profitability

2003-09-10 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 9/9/2003 5:01:00 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: BTW, my mechanic asked if its possible to use wasted engine oil for this - would be great! You could burn it as fuel, but it's probably not adviseable to mix it with vegetable oil, and the EPA or others

Re: [biofuel] Paying At The Pumps

2003-09-01 Thread esbuck
In a message dated 9/1/2003 4:42:49 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: raise CAFE standards for all passenger vehicles, including SUVs, to 40 mpg, to be phased in by 2015; Right! And to save fuel on aircraft, each passenger plus luggage would be restricted to a total of

Re: [biofuel] Insurers Face Global Warming

2003-08-25 Thread esbuck
The problem is that, if global warming occurs, how can we say it's our fault and not an act of God.? What if, as seemes likely, the global warming, which has occured before, most recently about 1000 years ago, is the result of the sun getting brighter? What evidence is there that it's

[biofuel] Intro

2003-08-22 Thread esbuck
I'm new to the group, but I have had a long-time interest in biofuels. May years ago (about 20?), my brother and two friends drove a diesel van (Continental Litre-engine) from coat to coast and back, 10,000 km., non-stop, non-refueled, on non-petroleum fuel. He was in the Guiness Book of