Re: \let\activatestep=\blau\let\hidestepcontents=\displayidentical + complex arguments to step

2001-06-11 Thread Stephan Lehmke

On Sat, 09 Jun 2001 23:52:29 +0200, Stefan Müller wrote:
> When I give a complex command to step having activatestep and
> hidestepcontents defined, I get:
> [152]
> ! Argument of \ibox has an extra }.
> \par 
> l.4327 }

The problem seems to be in the definition of \blau:

> \newcommand{\blau}[1]{{\textcolor{blaucolor} #1}}

\textcolor takes two arguments. With your definition,
the first token in #1 (which is \ibox for the first
\bstep) will be taken as the second argument of 
\textcolor, leading to considerable confusion...

Changing the definition to


remedies this. The resulting file compiles well, with
some `control problems'. When several \step commands
are executed at the same time using the optional
argument of \step, texpower's simplistic timing
mechanism for steps gets confused.

Changing the second \bstep to \rebstep and the first
\step to \restep seems to remedy this.


  Stephan Lehmke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fachbereich Informatik, LS I   Tel. +49 231 755 6434 
  Universitaet Dortmund  FAX  6555
  D-44221 Dortmund, Germany 

Re: \let\activatestep=\blau\let\hidestepcontents=\displayidentical +complex arguments to step

2001-06-10 Thread Stefan Müller


Ross Moore wrote:
> Your examples as given are not complete:
> Would you please provide a complete, self-contained example;
> preferably cut-down to the minimum possible that still exhibits
> the bad behaviour.

Okay, sorry. Here it is:






\newcommand{\blau}[1]{{\textcolor{blaucolor} #1}}



 head$|$subj & \bstep[\value{step}=1]{\ibox{1}} \\
 subcat  & \ibox{2} \\
 vcomp   & \bstep[\value{step}=1]{\ibox{1}} \\
\item new selection feature {\sc vcomp}
\item subject of the embedded verb and the subject of the auxiliary are
\item complements of the embedded verb get complements of the auxiliary
\item the auxiliary takes the verb + its complements

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