Here are my objectives:

1) Extend AttachmentFileNameIs to optionally recurse one level in zip attachments.
2) Code an AttachmentFileNameIsRegex matcher (also recursing zips).
3) Polish up and finally commit my Bayesian stuff.
4) Polish up and finally commit my antivirus matcher (perhaps having it become a 
mailet setting attributes).
5) Polish up and finally commit my AddServerSignature mailet.
6) Start designing and coding a set of functionalities oriented towards server signing 
and checking, timestamping, logging, whitelisting and more generally "certified 
electronic mail" (with also the goal of supporting a new legislation just set in my 
country, that could become of interest for others, but first of all I'm thinking on a 
set of common stuff that can be customised).

The first five points consist mainly in finalising what I already have up and running 
since several months, the last one is more "ambitious", specially in the design phase, 
to get something well done and extensible.


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