On 9/26/2016 12:59 AM, Matthieu Baechler wrote:
Le 24/09/2016 à 02:05, Marc Chamberlin a écrit :
On 9/23/2016 1:17 AM, Matthieu Baechler wrote:
Hi Marc,

Thank you for reporting about that.

I created an issue for that : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JAMES-1827

I tried to fix the documentation here : https://github.com/linagora/james-project/pull/415

Could you check that my PR fixes your problem ?


Hi Matthiew, Thanks for the update, I got further, at least I got Maven to compile the Guice Cassandra project. But when I attempted to deploy it, using your new fix, things didn't go well -

bigbang:/james/docker/james-project # docker run --name=cassandra cassandra:2.2.3
Error response from daemon: 404 page not found
I just tested that and it works, could you retry ?

Hi Matthiew and the rest of the James server-users list -

Sorry for my delay in replying, I got sidelined by TLS/SSL issues and had to focus on that for awhile. Now back to Apache-James - Yes your PR did get me further and I now have both cassandra and elasticsearch running under Docker. I am attempting to wade through the configuration setup now and have a couple of questions that I need help with. First let me say that I am editing the .properties and .xml files under dockerfiles/run/guice/destination/conf which is my best guess as to what I need to be doing?

My first question relates to the cassandra.properties file. According to the instructions at https://james.apache.org/server/3/config-cassandra.html

    Is the IP (or host) of the Cassandra used. (cluster is not yet

Am I suppose to assign the internal private or an external public IP address for the host that Cassandra is running on? If external, does this host have to be in a DMZ? I don't know how this is going to be used hence the reason I am asking... The version of the cassandra.properties file that I got when I cloned the GIT repository had it pre-configured as cassandra.ip = cassandra which I am sure must be wrong but then again I have little experience with Docker so I could be wrong...

My second question concerns setting up the SMTP server to use Authentication. Again according to the instructions at https://james.apache.org/server/3/config-smtp-lmtp.html it says -

Configuring Apache James Server for Authentication SMTP is a multi-step process. It requires several adjustments of the smtpserver.xml. To enable SMTP AUTH, do the following:

 1. As mentioned above, SMTP AUTH requires that Apache James Server be
    able to distinguish between mail intended for local delivery and
    mail intended for remote delivery. Apache James Server makes this
    determination by matching the domain to which the mail was sent
    against the <servernames> element of the Apache James Server
    configuration block. Any local domains should be explicitly listed
    as <servername> elements in this section.

My trouble is I cannot figure out where the <servernames> elements are to be configured. I grepped through all the config files (basically everything downloaded from the GIT repo) and cannot find any file containing a section for defining servernames. (I did find a number of references to it however...) So where is this servernames section hiding?

Thanks as always for helping guide me out of the woods... I am sure I will have more questions but don't want to proceed any further until I get the configuration done correctly. Marc...

"The Truth is out there" - Spooky

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