Hi Matt, thanks for responding!  It appears to me that "classpath" is
actually defined in the startup scripts. There are two different scripts
used to start the james server, either "james" or "run.sh". I do not
believe "classpath" is defined in any of the config files themselves. I
am not using "run.sh" to start the james server, instead I noted that
the james script is configured with the classic init.d entry points -
start, stop, restart, etc. I modified the "james" script slightly so
that I could run james as a systemd service instead (see below). At this
point I strongly suspect that the definition of environment variables,
using the james startup script,  is failing, so I am pursuing this to
see what is going on. However, running james as a systemd service does
not seem to be the problem, even if I just run the james startup script
by itself, not as a service, I am still getting the same failure with
the "classpath" variable.

If anyone has ported james to run as a systemd service I would much
appreciate knowing how you did it. What I have done was to add the
init.d initialization comments to the beginning of the james shell
script then let systemd take it from there to create the actual .service
files -
added to beginning of the james startup script to define init.d runlevels -

# Provides:       james
# Required-Start: $network $syslog $time
# Required-Stop:  $network $syslog $time
# Default-Start:  2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:   0 1 6
# Description:    Initscript for Apache James Mail Server

and FYI these are the steps I then took to set up the init.d services
and then convert them to systemd services on OpenSuSE Leap 15.0 -

First I created a soft link from /etc/init.d to the james startup script -

ln -s /mail/apache-james-3.2/james-server-app-3.2.0/bin/james

Next install in james script into the various init.d runlevels

cd /etc/init.d
insserv james

Next set up the systemd files from the new init.d configuration files
and start the service.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start james.service

The james service does start up OK and will report that it is running
when checking on it's status. It is just not working properly in
accepting connections or doing the various tasks that the service should
be doing and my goal at this point is to resolve any and all exceptions
that are occurring such as this one.


On 02/17/2019 06:01 AM, cryptearth wrote:
> Hey Marc, Matt here.
> The provided stack only says that you given "classpath" to some
> parameter wich expectes a url in some config file. So I guess it could
> help if you also show the config where you set "classpath" so one can
> figure out, if "classpath" is a legal input for the setting you set it.

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