I should have mentioned I am working with the imap server on James, not
pop3...   Marc..

On 02/18/2019 05:26 PM, Marc Chamberlin wrote:
> Thanks Matt, you were correct, I needed to install the java-devel
> packages. Maven then ran fine, kinda scary actually watching it run!
> That is a LOT of code being downloaded and processed!  I will table the
> systemd issue for now and just concentrate on getting James running. I
> like your idea of using crontab to work around it for now...
> Any wise, I installed the new version of James 3.4 and got closer to
> getting it up and running. I set it up with one domain and one user
> (myself) and I can now send and receive email to/from myself on it. But
> I cannot send an outgoing email to anywhere else! I am using Thunderbird
> to test it with and when I try to send an outgoing email to some other
> domain, something weird is happening. It acts as if it sent it OK, but
> it is showing up in the sent folder, in Thunderbird, twice! I tried to
> send an email from my account on James to a GMail account I have and it
> never showed up, so something is failing still.
> Going in the other direction, if I send an email from an outside server
> to my account on James, I do receive it OK.
> BTW this latest version of James did not fix the log file problems I
> reported earlier.    Marc..
> On 02/18/2019 11:12 AM, cryptearth wrote:
>> Well, for me, I just added "@reboot /path/to/james/bin/james start" to
>> my root crontab - no need for init.d/systemd.
>> As the issue arised after you let systemctl create files - seems
>> something went wrong there.
>> As for your maven issue: do you have java-devel installed?
>> Matt
>> Am 18.02.2019 um 03:40 schrieb Benoit Tellier:
>>> I am not sure you can use "james script" directly like this as a initd
>>> script.
>>> What we do use in docker (and thus is maintained) is
>>> ./bin/wrapper-linux-x86-64 conf/wrapper.conf wrapper.syslog.ident=james
>>> wrapper.pidfile=var/james.pid wrapper.daemonize=FALSE
>>> Cheers,
>>> Benoit
>>> On 2/18/19 7:39 a    ²M, Marc Chamberlin wrote:
>>>> Hi Matt, thanks for responding!  It appears to me that "classpath" is
>>>> actually defined in the startup scripts. There are two different
>>>> scripts
>>>> used to start the james server, either "james" or "run.sh". I do not
>>>> believe "classpath" is defined in any of the config files themselves. I
>>>> am not using "run.sh" to start the james server, instead I noted that
>>>> the james script is configured with the classic init.d entry points -
>>>> start, stop, restart, etc. I modified the "james" script slightly so
>>>> that I could run james as a systemd service instead (see below). At
>>>> this
>>>> point I strongly suspect that the definition of environment variables,
>>>> using the james startup script,  is failing, so I am pursuing this to
>>>> see what is going on. However, running james as a systemd service does
>>>> not seem to be the problem, even if I just run the james startup script
>>>> by itself, not as a service, I am still getting the same failure with
>>>> the "classpath" variable.
>>>> If anyone has ported james to run as a systemd service I would much
>>>> appreciate knowing how you did it. What I have done was to add the
>>>> init.d initialization comments to the beginning of the james shell
>>>> script then let systemd take it from there to create the actual
>>>> .service
>>>> files -
>>>>   added to beginning of the james startup script to define init.d
>>>> runlevels -
>>>> # Provides:       james
>>>> # Required-Start: $network $syslog $time
>>>> # Required-Stop:  $network $syslog $time
>>>> # Default-Start:  2 3 4 5
>>>> # Default-Stop:   0 1 6
>>>> # Description:    Initscript for Apache James Mail Server
>>>> ### END INIT INFO
>>>> and FYI these are the steps I then took to set up the init.d services
>>>> and then convert them to systemd services on OpenSuSE Leap 15.0 -
>>>> First I created a soft link from /etc/init.d to the james startup
>>>> script -
>>>> ln -s /mail/apache-james-3.2/james-server-app-3.2.0/bin/james
>>>> /etc/init.d/james
>>>> Next install in james script into the various init.d runlevels
>>>> cd /etc/init.d
>>>> insserv james
>>>> Next set up the systemd files from the new init.d configuration files
>>>> and start the service.
>>>> systemctl daemon-reload
>>>> systemctl start james.service
>>>> The james service does start up OK and will report that it is running
>>>> when checking on it's status. It is just not working properly in
>>>> accepting connections or doing the various tasks that the service
>>>> should
>>>> be doing and my goal at this point is to resolve any and all exceptions
>>>> that are occurring such as this one.
>>>>      Marc...
>>>> On 02/17/2019 06:01 AM, cryptearth wrote:
>>>>> Hey Marc, Matt here.
>>>>> The provided stack only says that you given "classpath" to some
>>>>> parameter wich expectes a url in some config file. So I guess it could
>>>>> help if you also show the config where you set "classpath" so one can
>>>>> figure out, if "classpath" is a legal input for the setting you set
>>>>> it.
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