On 10/1/07, Eric Newcomer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think there's confusion between the design of something and a technology 
> paradigm.
> If you look at object orientation, that's the paradigm name and the design 
> name is object oriented design.
> Similarly, service orientation is the paradigm name (and technologies can be 
> service oriented) and the design name is confusingly called service oriented 
> architecture.

That's fine.  But earlier you said;

] Yes, to use the word "architecture" for both REST and SOA is not really
] correct.  I mean REST is defined in the context of software system
] architectures, while SOA is the name of a style of IT design, or an
approach to
] IT.  It is not the same thing at all, and trying to compare them is not really
] appropriate, IMHO.

So can we agree that one *can* compare REST to SOA, just not to
"service orientation"?

Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.         http://www.markbaker.ca
Coactus; Web-inspired integration strategies  http://www.coactus.com

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