I use a light bulb- it works thermally, causing convection currents to move the water. It might not be as slick as the mag stir, but it works for me. I use a small clear xmas tree light in a nite lite plug I got at the grocery store. Ode says it works best for shorter jars, like an old pickle jar, you can bend the silver wire. I just use a tall quart jar anyway, and it seems to do a good job. You can put in in a pineaplle can and set the jar on top.

Or you could get a 40 w bulb and set it next to the jar.


On Nov 11, 2007, at 8:52 AM, Linda wrote:

Thanks for the information on the measurements for silver.
I would like to have a generator that makes the cs by itself but I can't afford one. I have a great brother who knows how to do all that stuff though so he is going to build the generating part for me.
I know how to make a magnetic stirrer but I need a teflon coated stir bar. These things were all over the place when I was working as a laboratory tech; nobody ever gave them a thought, but since I retired I found out just how expensive they are. Anyone know where I can get one at a reasonable price? $90 for 12 is too much since I only need one. Didn't find any on Ebay.
Or maybe there is something else I can use for the stir bar......?

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