I started having problems with repeat UTIs about 10 yrs ago. First time, I had 
no idea what hit me and ended up in Drs office. ABX for 10 days, and the darn 
thing came back 3 days later.

Then I discovered CS. 
I'm a "kitchen sink" kind've person, so I've knocked UTIs out of my life 
permanently by putting a scoop of D-Mannose in 1/2 cup of CS, and frequently 
put about a tsp of uva-ursi, and whatever other liquid herbals for the urinary 
tract that I may have around.

Taking even one dose of the above at the first sign that an infection *might* 
be showing up has forestalled every one.

Oh--right before I discovered CS, I did use Lugol's iodine successfully------6 
drops 4x a day. I will sometimes put a drop or two of Lugol's in the above 
'recipe'--------just for the heck of it.

Sharon M