Andy, I forgot to say that I found out in my 'studies' what that flat spot represents on an LED as well...DUH!! I am astonished at how I could have been playing around with CS for so long not having a clue what I am doing, basically, and only going on colour and meter! But it has worked for me though, (well, I believe it has). lol.

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 5:38 PM

Hi Neville,

Most LEDs need a resistor in series with them to limit the current and keep them from blowing up. Most common LEDs use about 10 to 20 milliamps. Unless you have more than one resistor in your setup you are cooking at what I would consider a pretty high current limit. People seem to like clear or yellow CS. When it turns gold or pink it means you are running it too long or you have
un-pure water. You have a  DVM and ohms law so you should know what to do.
Personally I like to slow brew  at about 1 ma or less.

Hope this helps,

In a  message dated 9/5/2008 3:06:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are  right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in
circuit after the led, and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 or
1000 thing, still  studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA
part. Although,  going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the
public domain, I  appear to get a good product though, going by taste,
(minimal), colour, (DS water usually clear, Pure water seems to give varying colours from clear/pink/gold, but never darker), and TE. I assumed this was fairly good stuff. After spending many hours reading all the 'rumours', (I
have to call them rumours as it's impossible to find 'dead set facts', if
you get my meaning), I have sort of made up my own mind as a result until I find someone who actually can definitely confirm what is 'good' and what is
'not', you see what I mean here, an abundance of
info/misinfo/anecdotal/could be this/could be that/this is a pretty
colour/that is a pretty colour etc etc. Oh, the rainwater CS tastes like I
have eaten a jam tin though.



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