
You can find 3% H2O2 in stores without stabilizers but usually in
discount stores where there is a high turnover of the Hydrogen Peroxide
so the stabilizers are not necessary. I have heard that Wal Mart carries
one without stabilizers. Dollar Tree carries "Assured" brand without
stabilizers and I have used that myself. Here is a test for stabilizers
but I have not used it:

"There is a simple way to see if Hydrogen Peroxide contains stabilizers:
Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has
yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it
out in the sun where it is easier to see. If the H202 remains colorless
when mixed in a glass of water, it usually does not have a stabilizer. 

Almost all H2O2 sold in drug stores will have stabilizers, actually to
discourage people to use them internally. So you can use this as a way
to compare them. Basically, H2O2 poured into a clean glass and left out
in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. If it does,
there are metal contaminants. If you are asking for trouble, a drop of
ammonia solution in H2O2 mixed in water will cause a rapid air bubble
generation. It is more unstable if it has stabilizers. You can try the
experiment and compare the results. 

The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even
when you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a
good quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage."

 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Neville [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Concensus of opinion

Hairdresser I asked uses 12% but I wouldn't touch it with a 40 foot
barge pole.

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