Normally you would expect the ionic to penetrate better, except that silver forms a pretty reactive ion, and it will quickly get bound with proteins and chlorine in the tissues. So it may, or it may not. Experimenting on things like this were previously expensive since the only source for near pure colloidal silver was from Frank Key and that was pretty expensive stuff. Now we can make it ourselves.

Marshall wrote:
Does make the cs penetrate deeper?

    -------------- Original message from Marshall Dudley
    <>: --------------

    > I think I have a way to convert EIS to 100% particulate. If you
    add a
    > pinch of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) powder to a glass of EIS, it
    > almost immediately reduce the silver oxide/hydroxide to silver
    > of one and 2 atom each. I tried it and it doe seem to work.
    > Reference:
    > /page 139 last sentence: :When silver ions encounter ascorbic
    acid, they
    > are reduced to metallic silver nanoparticles./
    > Marshall
    > --
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