It was a typo. Should have said sodium carbonate. 
Now about that sodium...I assume you're trying to avoid sodium for blood
pressure control. Counteract it by taking a little potassium bicarbonate.
Available in wine making hobby stores.
I used to have terrific BP problems. I have beat them with various forms of
vitamin C from drinking lemon-juice-water per Carey Reams to making and
taking homemade Liposomal C per Brooks Bradley.
A while back I got into some BP trouble while experimenting with taking
sodium bicarbonate for something. Believe me it will raise your BP faster
that salt will. Chuck King and Starshar suggested I bring it down with
potassium. Potassium bicarb was what I had and the effects were FAST.
I can eat all the salt I want now with no BP increase but I don't eat common
table salt, only salts that still have the other minerals left in. Salt is
your friend and it's BP effects can be controlled/counteracted by other
means. I nearly offed myself a few summers ago by the simple act of not
salting my food while I worked outside in high 90's heat. My heart nearly
stopped. I was literally blacking out from missed heartbeats. It took a long
time for me to figure out that I desperately needed salt.