Have you considered doing the CMO protocol that Brooks posted.  It might be 
worth a try.  

Also, how much Vit D3 are you taking and how much MSM?  MSM is like Vit C from 
what I have read.  It must be taken to bowel tolerance and then backed off 
slightly.  Doing it this way was the only way that I got relief with it.  I 
think it took about 9g/day for quite awhile.

From: Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com>
To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 1:42:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Storms come in and I feel awful

I sure am and msm...thanks much

From: BW <jennelle8...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Storms come in and I feel awful

Are you taking enough vit-D3?  This helps with aches, pains and mood. 


On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey group-
>What on earth is wrong with me?  I take every kind of supplement to take good 
>care of myself. When the sun is shinning I feel wonderful...but a storm front 
>comes in and I am trashed...fatigue, aches and pains, sleepy beyond words.  
>can I do to stop this?
>Thanks in advance,