I did need to do it several times a day, however.

From: V <highergroun...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, November 28, 2012 9:12:24 PM
Subject: Re: CS for colds and flu, was Re: CS>MSM

Good! I will continue then! : )

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 7:26 PM, PT Ferrance <ptf2...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

This is how I got rid of a nasty sinus infection.  I think the trick is bending 
over and letting it get into the upper sinuses as well.  While bent over I also 
turn my head to the left and right to target the sinuses there as well.
From: V <highergroun...@gmail.com>
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Sent: Wed, November 28, 2012 8:17:29 PM
>Subject: Re: CS for colds and flu, was Re:  CS>MSM
>I have been intensely interested in this conversation because lately at my 
>college there are people all around me succumbing to bad chest colds and some 
>with more flu like symptoms. We are close to final exams so no one stays home.
> I have been feeling a cold coming on now and then but started to, k, this is 
> a 
>bit gross, but snort CS up my nose and then hang my head upside down to try to 
>get it into my sinuses. Then I keep some in my mouth and swallow tiny bits and 
>try to keep it at the back of my throat as much as possible. I should, and 
>now that I say it, dig out my netti pot instead, but the upshot is that I have 
>not gotten sick yet! I keep knocking it back so far anyway! 
>This on top of downing an ounce and a half twice a day for this season. Not a 
>great deal but for colds and flu trying to target area more than ingest tonnes 
>of it. When I do get a cold I usually get really deep chest cold and cough. 
>Takes a good three weeks to a month to clear so super motivated to avoid it if 
>I was always interested in trying to mix a couple of drops of food grade 
>peroxide as I have heard it makes the CS more effective?
>Not sure I want that up my nose but hey if enough others have done it and 
>good results I am listening! Val
>On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Neville Munn <one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>See, this is why I continually expose myself to people who have it, 
>trying to satisfy myself that what I do will prevent me getting it.  I 
>have a cast iron immune system, and I can't be making some super dooper EIS 
>either, AND I've been a smoker for decades, but no mistake I've had my share 
>wogs over three score years and some, but when I hear what you both say a 
>seed of doubt creeps in and makes me think what the...? am I just lucky I 
>get it? 
>>But I am convinced it cannot be that simple, my biological makeup is no 
>>different to any other human being so all I can say is my daily ritual must 
>>working because I haven't caught a wog in years, apart from the two that I 
>>thought tried to get me I mentioned earlier, and like I said, I purposely get 
>>close to people so as to allow them to sneeze and carry on all around me.  I 
>>always warned to keep away and I always respond with "bring it on, I won't 
>>it" <g>.
>>I find this truly amazing?  If it's NOT the EIS, then I would have to say my 
>>smoking has lined my lungs so much over the years that bugs just can't get in 
>>> From: dr...@earthlink.net
>>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>>> Subject: RE: CS for colds and flu, was Re: CS>MSM
>>> Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:05:19 -0800
>>> Same here. Oral ingestion of CS never stopped me getting airborne or touch
>>> borne viruses. And once I got the cold, even very large oral doses of CS
>>> didn't stop it.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: sol [mailto:sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com] 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 4:48 AM
>>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>>> Subject: Re: CS for colds and flu, was Re: CS>MSM
>>> Neville Munn wrote:
>>> >  I believe if one wants to prevent the wog one should be doing as I 
>>> > do, ingesting a small quantity of EIS every morning,
>>> Oral ingestion of CS never stopped me getting airborne or touch borne 
>>> viruses. Only misting works for me, but then I am very susceptible.
>>> And once I got the darn cold, even very large oral doses of CS didn't 
>>> stop it.
>>> sol