
I didn't set out to make 200 ppm CS that is 100 ppm ionic and 100 ppm colloidal, yet remains crystal clear. It was an accident. And I still have experiments to do that may prove that I am completely wrong. (I probably am, but so far so good)

In my opinion, strong CS is generally better than weak CS but strong CS usually turns into large particles, so its not really 'strong' at all.

An example of where I would use it: For a serious condition such as emphysema you need to inhale CS, but you can only inhale a tiny amount in each breath (and nebuliser only holds about 5mls of CS anyway). In my opinion it would be far better to inhale 5mls of 200 ppm CS than 5mls of 15 ppm CS (as long as the CS is ionic or very small particles).

Of course argyria could become a problem but thats another issue. If I had emphysemsa, argyria would be the least of my worries.



I must have missed your post about making the 200ppm CS yesterday. .
Anyway, if this goes through, I hope you will answer my question about the 200 ppm CS.


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