Never never use salt in a batch of CS.
H202 will boost the formation of silver 'particles' so much so that
conductivity may never rise [no increase in current draw].
Those silver particles have no charge and will eventually grow so large
that they will settle out as shiny metal flakes, later oxidized by excess
H2O2 into fuzzy black silver oxide balls and deep yellow liquid.

If you want to keep using H2O2 while making CS, use 3 or less drops of 3%
per quart



On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 11:19 PM, <> wrote:

> I am having a problem, that did not manifest before.
> I have made colloidal silver before, 1 quart jar, distilled water, tsp of
> h202, 18 volts dc.
> I would see a gray cloud form in the jar, before...
> I started up again, but this time no gray cloud from the electrode.
> ???
> could it be the h202 is different in this case, can't think of anything
> else.
> If I put a pinch of salt I will get the cloud, but now all I get is o2
> bubbles clustering on one electrode after
> 40 minutes?????
>                                            What am I doing differently,
> that I am not aware of, or is this better
>                                                now than before??
>                                                      Glenda