right, bubbled O2 won't combine w/the Ag+ ions.
but you don't need any silver nitrate involved process either.
if you want silver oxide make some cs w/ a battery or other d.c. power source.  
the black stuff that grows on the anode (+) is it.
as others have said, ion size is fixed.  the silveredge makes cs  pretty much 
just like everybody elses, the hype is just that.  the particles that form 
might be a small optimal size but there's no stabilization to prevent them from 
growing so they will.
the silver puppy, silvergen, colloid master, & others are much better quality 
design, parts & construction, & cheaper too if ionic cs is all you was to make.
if you are willing to learn & sacrifice automated control in favor of total 
manual control you can buy a complete kit that will make ionic by the juice 
glass or 55gal drum & go far beyond that into reducing ions to optimally sized 
nanoparticles, stabilize them at that size, & encapsulate them for protection 
from stomach acid.  
ionic cs saved my life & managed my hepC symptoms amazingly well for a decade.  
now i drink stable capped nanoparticles & use ionic in blends and topically.
BTW, i got rid of the hepC w/ big pharma/VA treatment in 2012.  while cs mkept 
me feeling well, no colds or flus etc, it did NOT stop progression of liver 
damage into cirhossis cuz it cannot effectively get to the virus inside liver 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 25, 2017, at 3:21 PM, Jean Baugh <oldgloryte...@srcaccess.net> wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> Thank you for this informative post.
> I make my CS by the gallon with the SilverGen.
> Jean
> *************
> From: Jerry Durand <jdur...@interstellar.com>
>> (if it produces smaller ions, then it’s going to be more effective, so maybe 
>> it’s worth the investment..)
> A comment on this one line, ALL silver ions, no matter how you got them are 
> the same size.  Exactly.  No differences unless you make a radioactive 
> isotope and I don't think you want that.