Hi all you committed, eager to share your knowledge people -

please help me - I want to build a bigger generator.  I need a few clear
instructions as I am not tech. minded.

At present I make 500 mls a time, warm the water initially, and leave to
cool stir occasionally, and leave for 1 and a half hours.  This all works
well - but I want to make more at one time.

If I went to say a 2 litre container, do my rods need to be longer, how long
do I leave the CS to brew, etc, etc....

Any helpful hints would be very much appreciated.

even know about it till someone mentioned it..... I live in the South
Island, Ivan lives in the North - he is much closer to the site of the quake
than we are.... they sure are scary things wherever you are!  I think it was
really nice that someone cared enough to enquire of Ivan - I am sure he was
quite chuffed!


I'm with you on this one Tracy as I'd like to make larger quantities.

Nice to hear of peoples concern re the quake. I'm living in the countryside
a few miles from Rotorua and we get a bit of action from time to time. A
year or so ago we had a 4.9 with the epicentre just over a kilometre away.
Pity I wasn't into making CS then as it would have saved me buying a
stirring device.  :-)

Roger B