Arthritis seems to travel in my family, both sides...
I have had some in my hands, knees, and lower back mostly.

I have had good effect from glucosamine sulfate, recommended to me 
by my mother since she also had pretty good results from it.  Have to 
take it regularly at a high enough dose for your condition.

I took MSM for a short time which helped on the hands and back, but 
excruciatingly aggravated a swollen knee which I had injured
Don't know why that was...

Took CMO for a month with no results...  but I do have some
issues which may account for that.

Another thing which worked extremely well was drinking a lot of water. 

This is the 8 cups of water a day thing.  I also had to add a quarter
of salt per quart for it to work.   This is either an effect of
flushing toxins 
out of the joints and/or increasing the fluid in the joints.  This was
good for the lower back.  I think if I had been drinking a large volume
of water 
when I was taking the MSM, it may not have caused the problem with the
I don't drink this volume currently, maybe half that, but if the back
flares up 
the salt and water takes care of it pretty quick.  Took only two days
the first time
to relieve the back pain.

I'm sure the zapper and colloidal silver doesn't hurt either.

I don't have any arthritis problem currently that one would notice but
I wouldn't 
do something like jumping rope ;-)).  

Use bromelain with water on an empty stomach for a couple of days 
for acute inflamation, strains, sprains, after roofing, after pounding

nails for 5 hours on a Saturday, etc.


CS>Anti-inflammatory helps

From: S&JY (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 18:15:55 


As best I can determine, CS is not very effective in helping with
inflammation & pain (e.g. from arthritis).  But recently I read that
spice turmeric and an extract from it called curcumin have
properties, allegedly due to their anti-histamine properties.

Has anyone had experience using turmeric or curcumin (powder or
capsules) to
help with sore joints?  If so, what were the results?  Any other ideas
for a
"natural" treatment for arthritis?  (This is a bit off-topic, so
directly to me are fine).

--Steve Y.

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