I have chronic back pain.  For many years (15 or more?) I have seen a 
chiropractor on a regular basis -- twice a month -- for maintenance and more 
frequently, if necessary.  Several months ago, I started taking yoga classes -- 
once a 
week.  I can tell you that this has made an enormous difference, both in my 
comfort on a daily basis and in my ability to do *normal* workloads without 
stressing my back.  I'm sure the chiropractor could do as good a job if I went 
him once a week, by the yoga classes cost me one-fifth what my chiropractor 
charges -- and my chiropractor is way cheaper than most.  So, for me, the yoga 
classes have been an excellent investment in time and money.  Last night, 
during my yoga class, I heard my vertabrae *pop* several times as they 
themselves.  When that happens in the chiropractor's office, he is VERY pleased 
and says *ah-HAH*!!!   So, last night when I heard them pop, I said a silent 
*ah-hah* to myself!!   And today my back feels WONDERFUL!!!  I'm recovering 
from doing myself in shoveling snow two weeks ago, without requiring extra 
to the chiropractor!      MA