Cliff wrote:

Apricot kernels have been seized from all of the health food stores in Canada and the USA, because when used properly with an adequate diet, they have been shown to stop and reverse many cancers.
The same thing that is in apricot kernels is also in apple seeds, millet and many other foods, especially that of seeds.
You must not eat many of the foods known to cure cancer or other problems - if it is going to put the big pharms out of business or stopping governments from running our lives as if we were cattle or sheep.

Here are a couple of articles which will show that there is a great deal of Laetrile in wheat grass.  What are they gonna do, keep you from growing grass, too?  (Yeah, I know the other kind of grass would bring down the Feds, but WHEAT grass?)  I was told about the use of wheat grass in fighting cancer when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago.  I had no idea why it was good to use it but when I was told it helped counteract radiation poisoning, I began to grow and juice it during the weeks I was getting radiation therapy.  Not only did I have no side effects whatsoever from the radiation, I found that it did give a really good energy boost, and I continued to use it for months afterwards, until the labor of seeding, growing, cutting, and juicing it got to be too much.  I mixed it with Snappy Tom tomato cocktail to cut the taste.  Even now I take a little each day in its dried form, mixed with other greens -- barley grass, chlorella, and spirulina -- stirred into a little water.  I don't know if the dried form has the same potent factors that fresh cut does -- probably not -- but it probably has some benefits.  I find it has a disgusting taste and appearance -- like drinking swamp water -- but adding some lemon juice helps a great deal.  Yech!  I wish someone would find that chocolate has tremendous cancer fighting qualities!  :-)


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