Hello Al,


Yes Silver can help, but I would strongly suggest you see a homeopathic
doctor. Mycoplasma infection is responsible for a host of disease out there.

MS, being one of them which me sister is slowly recovering from. For the
longest time we didn't know what to do with her condition because the
"medical" community says there isn't a cure, and they are right! May be not
for MS and all the host of other diseases, but for Mycoplasma there is.
*wink* I went to homoepath where I live (Toronto) who identified her cause
and is now treating her. It is very difficult to identify Mycoplasma, she
uses a method which through ones bodies frequency can detect it. 


Wishing all the best.




-----Original Message-----
From: Al Riley [mailto:a...@domsys.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 9:42 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Mycoplasma Questions


Hello fellow SilverListers!

A dear friend of mine has developed Mycoplasma Pneumonia.  He believes he
caught it from his son, a recently returned soldier who was stationed in
Iraq.  The son has had a hacking cough since his return about a month ago,
and now, after a couple weeks,my friend has been diagnosed with this
Mycoplasma infection.  Do any of the distinguished member of this group have
any suggestions on how to treat this condition.  Does Colloidal Silver help?
Would a Terminator2 Zapper help?  I remember some discussions on this list,
but I can't recall the conclusions.  Thank you for your help!!

Al Riley