Mailwasher Pro has a filtering system that is the most extensive that
I've seen.
Ithas a learning curve, if you want to optimize the filtering, but it
has automatic choices too!
I pretty much depend on it now.
Oh, it goes to whatever Email client you have set up for your default
on your system.

"You gotta draw the line somewhere.  -- Mason to Dixon"

On 2/27/2006 10:24:00 AM, Marshall Dudley (
> Speaking of spam, I have got to do something.  This morning I had 10,000
> spam messages, and I am going to not get anything done today but delete
> spams from my box. I am using Netscape and eudora for my mail, and I need
> a
> good spam buster. The server has spam assissian on it, but even at 90%
> effectiveness I still get over 1,000 through it over a weekend.  It seems
> that every time I look for a good spam program they tell me I have to
> switch to outlook for my mail client, but there is no way I am trading
> spam
> for viruses and worms, I would rather deal with the spam.
> Any suggestions?
> Marshall

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