Ok this isn't about CS, but some months back I posted about wanting to change from SS cookware to aluminum. I was able to find anodized aluminum cookware and made the switch in about mid Dec of 05. I changed everything, even stopping using an SS teakettle for boiling water. Allergy responses can be difficult to impossible to track, and I have other allergies besides nickel, but over the months the number of eczema startups I've had has reduced to the point where I am taking less than half the antihistamines, no longer have to take the H2 blockers, and have not had to use cortisone ointments, etc. I still hesitate to state that this must prove I was getting enough nickel leached into food cooked in SS to keep me constantly reactive (could be due to other things I haven't even considered or noticed) but................the change is quite dramatic.

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