Hi Brian,

Great news to make SALI into SystemImager. It's better for both teams to join 
forces because we want to accomplish the same goal.

On 27 nov. 2012, at 18:10, Brian Elliott Finley 
<br...@thefinleys.com<mailto:br...@thefinleys.com>> wrote:

I've created the initial repo.  Bas -- what do you need from me to move the 
code from SourceForce to github?

Currently we started the development of version 1.6 and it's far from finished. 
So as initial import to the git we can use the branch 1.5.

And probally the easiest way to migrate our source code to the SystemImager git 
repo is to fork your repo. From there we can import our branch 1.5 to the 
forked git repo. And finally send you a pull request?





On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Brian Elliott Finley 
<br...@thefinleys.com<mailto:br...@thefinleys.com>> wrote:
I think a move to github would be a fine idea.

As for the SystemConfigurator functionality, I'd like to use the SystemImager 
post-script functionality.  It will allow us to
  - include simple scripts upstream, that could be used as-is for simple and 
common cases
  - these simple scripts could be easily customized by site admins, without 
having to know SystemImager internals
  - a simple script could be used to invoke puppet, chef, or SSM (Simple State 
Manager - http://download.systemimager.org/pub/ssm/README)

Cheers, -Brian

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:28 AM, Bas van der Vlies 
<b...@sara.nl<mailto:b...@sara.nl>> wrote:

  The SALI vork was nescessary to support modern hardware. Your are right you 
can better have one source.  SALI has implemented a new kernel/initrd and some 
shell functions, e.g. one for easy disk partition. We also replaced the system 
imager-server software.

Currently  we do not have a tool like systemconfigurator or automatically 
generate installation scripts.  So we can definitely benefit from co-operation. 
 My thought for replacing systemconfigurator are with shell commands or a 
system maintenance tool like CFengine, puppet , chef ,….

Can we move the code to 
github.com<http://github.com/><http://github.com<http://github.com/>>. I think 
it easier to contribute and better suited if more people are involved.


On 23 nov. 2012, at 19:10, Brian Elliott Finley 

Sun, Olivier,

Please send me your SourceForge usernames.  I appreciate your efforts, and 
would like to grant you both commit privileges to the SVN repository, so that 
you can commit your patches directly.

Bas, Franck, the same goes for you two if you wish.

Regarding a fork, that is generally necessary because one does not have the 
ability to modify the upstream original.  I will happily grant you this access, 
as I think it would be better for the community to improve the main code stream 
rather than to have a fork.  I know that SALI has special circumstances that 
made a fork appropriate for them, at least previously, but I would also be 
happy to allow that fork to merge into the mainstream if SALI considers that 

Lastly, with regard to SystemConfigurator, it is no longer being maintained, 
and we should work to eliminate our dependency on it.  With modern Linuxes this 
should be very feasible through the use of SystemImager postscripts for setup 
of boot manager (Grub) and networking (if desirable).

All -- feel free to call me if you have any questions.  Just bear in mind that 
I'm generally somewhere in GMT-5 through GMT-7. ;-)  If unsure, start with a 
text message, or leave a voice mail if I don't answer right away, but I'll be 
glad to discuss.  My mobile is 469.444.0167<tel:469.444.0167>.

Cheers, -Brian

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Jing CDL Sun 
Hi Olivier,

Thanks for this sharing!

Have you cloning Centos-6.3 with these rpms successfully? I tried to use them 
for redhat6.3 cloning, bug failed...

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Bas van der Vlies
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Brian Elliott Finley
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