I know there was/is NodeRevisions, but there was also a separate history folder for Delta-V...
But, I don't have a good answer, maybe somebody in the list can help.


Gbenga Bello wrote:

Hello Grant
Thanks for the other time.Your adviseon turning my slide app into EJB was really helpful for me
Now I have some versioning issues that I need to have input on.
First I think u need to know the environment my slide runs in.
a) I am running Slide 2.0 release
b) MySQL 4.0.12 as my ContentStore
c) Win 2000 as OS platform
d) I relate with slide thru a Java application written with Slide 2.0 native API also I access document content thru webdav client like MS Word 2000 over the webdav protocol connected to same slide contentstore earlier mentioned.
Now to the versioning issues
1) I want to able to view the list of all previous revision number [revision history] for a specific document resource thru the Java application. Which class of the slide native api helps to achieve this. I have searched the api doc but couldn't get something meaningful yet. Pls I need your input
2) I want to be able to request to view content for a specific revision (from the revision history) of a document . Take for instance, if there are the following revision nos for a document resource; 1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 where 1.4 is the latest document revision number. I should be able to programmatically and randomly pool revision 1.2 to see what is in there.
3) You may have observed the way slide handles numbering of revisions for a document; that instead of increamenting the whole number part of the revision no, it rather increaments the decimal part of the number. Take for instance, if previous revision number is 1.0. When Slide does the next revision, it assigns the number, 1.1
At what point will it move the version numbering to 2.0?
Please I will appreciate all contributions in form of code snippet, links to mail list, other reference documentation that will help me get this thing right and working.
I thank you in advance.
Gbenga COGI

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