On Wednesday, December 22, 2004, 12:06:17 PM, Matt wrote:

M>  Scott Fosseen wrote: 


M>   So my understanding is that IMail will still be updated for existing users.
M>  ...sure, for a 40% increase in cost for your support contract,
M> and absolutely no guarantee that they won't again cancel the
M> product like they did a couple of months ago, only to offer a
M> concession with this huge increase in price for a product that they
M> have indicated clearly wouldn't be marketed to anyone but existing
M> customers and new purchases would have to be negotiated by calling
M> them on the phone and proving to them that you are worth their time.


M>  Please don't get me started :)

Yes. Please don't get started on that here. The issue has been well
hashed in the IMail forum ;-)

As for Declude, they have always been awesome, and my conversations
with Barry and Scott and the rest of the team lead me to believe that
Declude will continue to be a great AV/AS product through the future
on IMail (ICS), Smartermail, and many other platforms.

As with any growth or change there are bound to be a few missteps here
and there along the way, but I'm sure Declude will always make things
right in the end with the support and guidance of the community around

I know we will continue to support them in every way we can :-)


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