Title: Message

In defense of Declude, I can clearly say with knowledge they have had a MAJOR problem with “customers” stealing their product. I will not go into any detail of what I know, but suffice it to say I was flabbergasted and shocked when I was told the estimated amount.


Scott is doing what he does best, work on the product and support it. What the new owners of the company are doing is trying to bring control and administration to the company as a whole.


Declude has gone way beyond where it was at 3 ½ years ago when I became involved in e-mail, and to Scott’s credit the company became more than what he could handle.


I am confidant that as time progresses, the inherent bugs of what the management of Declude is trying to accomplish while working with the Declude community as a whole will be ironed out for the benefit of all.


Declude is in a time period of major change, for the good, which began earlier this year. Let’s work with them, not against them. After all, patience is a virtue. And that is something which society as a whole is lacking in today’s environment.


John Tolmachoff


eServices For You


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe Wolf
Wednesday, December 22, 2004 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer updates...



I've always respected your opinions.  I've respected Scott at Declude as well, but I don't think he has much to say about what happens there anymore. 


The powers to be at Declude obviously look at their customers as theives trying to steal their product.  I have installed a version of Declude that is not covered under by any current service policy in attempts to solve a problem.  When I discovered the old version of Declude was not the problem I reverted back.  My attempt was rewarded with a threatening email message.  I looked at it quite differently.  I have no need or want for the new Declude "features", but if the old version I purchased was defective I am due version that worked as advertised.  It was up to me to find that out.  I'm perfectly happy with the old version, and I expect it to work as advertised. 


Their attitude is a spin off of the Ipswitch attitude to move on to new versions without ever fixing the old ones.  For example, the new version of Declude (2.0) lists 10 new features.  Of those 10, four are listed as "fixes" for older versions.  I know I'm in the minority but I believe it is Declude's responsibility to provide a fully functional 1.x verson to those who purchased it.  The 2.0 should only include new features, not fixes from previous versions.  If I wanted to purcase 2.0 for the new features that would be fine, but to be forced to purchase a new version or service agreement to get fixes for problems in a version you already purcased is just plain wrong. 


What if that mentality were to be accepted in the automobile business?  You buy a new car and the air conditioner doesn't work.  You're told that instead of the 2004 model you purchased you should pay to upgrade to a 2005 model because we finally got the air conditioner working for 2005.  Doesn't matter that your 2004 was advertised with air conditioning or not. 


I've had it with that kind of attitude.  I want a simple, efficient mail server that does exactly what is advertised.  Nothing more, nothing less. 


As for Sniffer.  I've had no complaints with it at all.  Seems to do exactly what I was told it would do. 


Thanks to everyone for their input!



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:58 AM

Subject: RE: [sniffer] Sniffer updates...


Joe, I will back up Matt’s comments. Declude has/is indeed suffering from less than honest/moral individuals/companies and they are correct in taking steps to protect their products and company.


Only the method they are using is being questioned.


Believe me, those of us heavily involved in Imail/Declude are monitoring this issue and voicing our opinions, both publicly and privately.


Lets not throw out the baby with the bath water.


John Tolmachoff


eServices For You


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer updates...



In their defense, I don't think that they necessarily knew any better than to have approached it this way.  I don't necessarily get that the new ownership has worked from the IT side of the business before and understands security and trust as a corporate administrator would, in fact Barry comes from the marketing side of the business and I'm afraid that this is a bit of trial-by-fire.  I expect (hope) that he will get the message and change their ways before this will be released in final format.  Scott didn't have the resources to enforce licensing, and as a business, this is critical to their success.  I have no qualms with that goal.  They didn't intend to violate privacy or functionality, they just overlooked it.

The whole IMail debacle is a different story.  Most everyone using Declude on that platform will eventually be switching, and Declude has been more than fair by offering free migrations of their license to a different platform, starting with SmarterMail which is very reasonably priced and seemingly quite responsive to their customers.


Joe Wolf wrote:

I'm currently using Sniffer via Imail and Declude.  We all know that Ipswitch has lost their mind and is abandoning the small ISP, and now it seems that Declude has lost their way.  The new version of Declude is tied to a single MAC address.  That counts me out since I run multiple NIC's in the same machine and am multi-homed.  Their spyware "phone home" system is a violation of our security policies as well.


That leads me to Sniffer.  I love the product.


Does anyone have a complete list of mail servers that have direct support for Sniffer?  The Imail / Declude thing is too much to deal with and I'm going to make a change.





MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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