On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:20:07AM +0100, Philip wrote:
|The problem is that the freebsd install isn't well patched because I
|just can't get along with the package management as well as debian
|apt. I used to get along with netbsd package management okay but that
|doesn't have jails. Now it has developed some other issues which I
|can't easily debug, and which I would have debugged easily in debian.
|Frankly it's just annoying me.

There is another option - pkgsrc is designed to work on may other OSes
not just NetBSD and works fine on FreeBSD, so you can at least give that
a shot ... don't use it myself in this combination, but it should work

|Has anyone here tried vserver on a soekris? how does it compare with
|freebsd jail for resources?

I also have a net5501 but wouldn't consider doing any VM stuff on them
as they just don't have the grunt ... jails in this case would be the
best solution since it has the least management overhead ...


Malcolm Herbert                                This brain intentionally
m...@mjch.net                                                left blank

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