On 06/10/2012 08:15 AM, Jan Ceuleers wrote:
> Hi.
> I've been using net4801s and a net5501 as broadband routers for use at
> home for some time now.
> Generally great and fun. There's just one down side: these boxes are not
> completely silent, in that they make a strange hissing sound while
> they're doing actual work (like routing network traffic).

So, after a few days here's a summary:

> So here's a sanity check: are my boxes the only-ones doing this?

Apparently so, because nobody said that they are also experiencing this.

> What's causing it? I thought it was the CPU but given that the 4801s and
> the 5501 have a different CPU (OK so they're both Geodes) I was thinking
> perhaps not?

There seem to be two camps: some say capacitors and others say coils.

> Is there anything I can do to stop the hissing?

The consensus of opinion here seems to be to pot the components in
question, possibly using hot glue.

(BTW: "boxen" is the correct spelling).

Thanks, Jan
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