Hi Ana,

Qt on windows relies on the win32 api as well as Softimage (MFC). As they
share a common base, both are "hackable".
So, whatever the strategy that is used, it still remains the same ...
hooking a widget into the main softimage app by going thru the win32 api.
The only main difference I would say by using pyQtSoftimage (except the
source codes) is to not have to deal with all the overhead and extra layers
Blur developers put over their modules/wrappers ...
Those packages are both first steps considering more should be done by
spending time on it and make things working better.
I had lot of feedback around me saying studios are using this
implementation ... so it should be solid enough to go with it.
So feel free to make your own additions and come back here to share them
with us ...


2012/5/7 Ana Gomez <agomezalca...@gmail.com>

> Hello everybody!
> I'm trying PyQtForSoftimage and I'm wondering some questions.
> As far as I know, this plugin is based on Blur tools. So, which are the
> differences between them? Do they have the same features? (of course, from
> the point of view of PyQt)
> Thanks in advance and thanks to Steven Caron and Jo Benayoun for sharing
> it.

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