Hey Ana,

I'm agreed with you about how softimage events are managed for now is not
the best way to go ...
Ideally, we should have QEvent subclasses for Softimage events and one and
unique method with the following signature
"SoftimageWidget::softimageEvent(QEvent *event)" to handle them (and fit
the Qt design, events are not signals) and a method to register to them.
There is also lot of other additions to think about to get everything's
working fine.
But as you guess, Steve or me have jobs and personal projects on the way
which make our free time precious.
As I told you, any additions or examples are welcomed to be commit to the
github repo and would be greatly appreciated by Steve or me.
In a wonderful world, it would be awesome if more people were jumping on Qt
to let developers and artists having the same experience on the different
platforms and 3d packages ...
Thanks to have done that jump :)


2012/5/8 Ana Gomez <agomezalca...@gmail.com>

> Hello again!
> My concern was if some features have been lost in the process of exposing
> the pyqt implementation from the Blur tools. Or if someone has had problems
> by using this plugin.
> You told me that people is using it, more or less, without problem so I'm
> going to keep testing it. I don't really want to install the Blur tools
> just for PyQt. I don't need its rest of tools, nor the wrappers for the
> rest of softwares.
> I see that Steven has just made a new example that uses a ui file in
> response to the last issue. Thanks and thanks for pointing me the issue, I
> hadn't read it.
> On the other hand, I've rewritten some of the code in order to control the
> XSI events because I don't like the idea of having unecessary active
> events. I read that Steven doesn't like this idea (last comments in Issue
> #1) but if you like, i'll give you the changes (well, I haven't invented
> the wheel).
> :)

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