On 08/31/2012 02:14 PM, Sandy Sutherland wrote:
I am going to be very honest with you Graham - this is probably going to be a turning point for some decision making to do with Softimage Software - I had Autodesk suits here one day crowing about how they had stopped their clients having access to the developers of the software - they insanely seemed to think it was a good idea and a good thing to do - someone like Stephen has kept the good name of Softimage alive and well in many studios including the one I work for now and before and without him I am pretty sure there are quite a few who would have got more than fed up with the negativity of Softimage/Autodesk or rather their apparent lack of interest in the wellbeing of Softimage and moved on.

I am going to suggest to the users on this mailing list that this is now the time to collectively voice our complete dissaproval of the way Autodesk handle Softimage and in fact the way they handle any of their software - yes I do know about the shit that the Maya users go through - note my mention above of the suits and their idiotic ideas!

Where and how can we complain before it gets to the point we we start looking at something like Houdini?




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