The world will end in a couple of days, so who cares...

On 19 December 2012 15:19, Ciaran Moloney <> wrote:

> Haven't we been hearing this for like 4 years? If it happens it happens.
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>> wrote:
>> I always thought the reason ice works so well was its in-depth
>> integration, surely if they want to achieve such results in maya they will
>> have to dissect it to its core, maybe this would be a good opportunity to
>> address many legacy issues within maya, and might make it a lot more
>> bearable to work with...
>> On 19 December 2012 14:44, Eugen Sares <> wrote:
>>> If you are so happy with your other software, why even bother coming
>>> here?
>>> You like Softimage, don't you. Here we all do, for a reason, and will
>>> continue so until the end - which always comes (yet not in 2 days).
>>> The developers are doing a good job, even with their limited resources,
>>> and they are the guys that make the real difference.
>>> I don't care for Autodesk and their bloated apparatus, but I do care for
>>> that fine piece of software that happens to be under their label at the
>>> time being.
>>> "ICE is going to Maya"... even if so, that does not mean it will be
>>> ripped from Sofimage. If SI ever goes down, it will do so with ICE. For
>>> now, it is still being developed.
>>> "Naiad is going to Maya"... even if so, that does not mean it will never
>>> appear in Softimage.
>>> Relax and enjoy your new workflow.
>>> Am 2012-12-19 15:18, schrieb Tim Marinov:
>>>  I've heard that ICE and Naid are going to Maya..This rumor is coming
>>>>  from one of the latest events .I am not going to specify, all I can say is
>>>> from reliable source. I hope is not true for the ICE but I can't keep rely
>>>> only on hopes.
>>>> No more Autodesk for us that for sure ......We (my company) recently
>>>> started to realize that our industry is just fine without Autodesk and
>>>> every day work is much more fun and productive.Houdini,Modo,**Cinema4D,Nuke
>>>> are some of the tools that are much better from what autodesk has to
>>>> offer(buying and adding plugins,almost none development, introducing more
>>>> and more bugs with each version, innovation and development are not their
>>>> driving force but only moneymaking ).
>>>> Let's guys support this companies that care and love what they do as a
>>>> product, this companies that are growing not only of making money but also
>>>> of making innovations . We have to stop to be controlled from evil
>>>> corporations and don't forget that we little people can make the difference
>>>> and stay against the money sucking monsters.We are not zombies.....This is
>>>> the only  way to see progress.......

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