Just a quick update, incase anyone else is trying to do something similar. The culprit for the simulation forces was to do with the ClumpSize attribute being used in the init force and velocity branch. I'm not entirely sure why but if you re-define the attribute earlier in the add points execution stack, it works (or at least the sim doesn't break). Maybe it's something to do with context and what's defined, I'm not sure. Now at least I am able to emit clumps over time.



On 08/01/2013 12:42, Tim wrote:
I'm just playing around with it now, and I'm wondering if there is a way to generate clumps in simulation mode, and still get the forces to work correctly? I have set it up so clumps are created every frame (which works as expected) but It seems when I try to apply forces to this It breaks the simulation completely and all the points disapear.

I'm not sure if I'm setting this up wrong, or it's a limitation with this kind of set up. Basically I'm trying to get smokey dirt to fall from a character over time.

I have attached an image to show how I structured the tree.



On 07/01/2013 19:17, Sebastian Kowalski wrote:
here you go, thats one of the first prototypes I've made.
the whole system evolved a bit after the catrice project (had to reuse it on an other job), but the essential idea seems not to differ from vladimirs solution. (hope thats true, didn't had a look yet ;) ) you need to set a custom id value to each member of a cluster of points (clump id).
in that case all clumps have the same amount of points.

in that scene file its just a drag force, dissolving the clumps. when you need some more forces you have to use the position average of every clump, and apply the needed force from that. i am gonna share the more "sophisticated" scenes too, just need to comment them a bit.

i should say that the initial idea came from tim borgmann, I've just implemented it in an icy way ;)

take care

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