SketchUp Pro has .xsi export, but I haven't had much luck with that.
The resulting imported .xsi model has way to may components
so it makes it hard to manage the resulting hierarchy. The .xsi export
from SketchUp also assigns each mesh with a separate material, even if
they are identical. The .obj export has a more efficient material
handling, combining the same materials into one.

Collada and FBX is also available, but OBJ seems to be the best
way to export and still keep your materials and textures.

Recently the OBJ files from SketchUp crashes SI 2012 sp1 when there are
textures involved. I fixed them by running the the obj through Polytrans,
I would import .obj and export .obj
The resulting polygonal models would have their materials and textures, but
there still seemed to be issues with multiple clustered objects.

All translation methods have the same problem, with having a black ambient
component, in all materials.
The only way I have found to fix that it to manually change the materials.
I suppose you could write a script, but I and no script writer.

Bottom line is there is no perfect way to export from SketchUP to
Softimage, but the
only way you can do any of these methods is with the Pro version.

I am using SketchUp Pro version 8.0.16846

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 4:02 AM, Scott Lange <>wrote:

> Anyone know if the export out of SketchUp PRO has any better features than
> the standard free version of SketchUp for the actual export into the
> Crosswalk/.dae import into Soft?
> The problem I am having are some issues with the organizational structure
> and scaling/orientation of the exported models from SketchUp.
> Graci!
> Scott Lange


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson**
       **(954) 552-7956

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke


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