Andy, that's great!  Thanks!

That's exactly what I had in mind!


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 8:06 PM, Andy Moorer <> wrote:

> I tried out Gustavio's clever approach and it works, but on my machine at
> least it doesn't appear to be behaving quite like a true MatCap, in that
> the results seem to be in object space as opposed to camera space (but I've
> got a weird graphics card so it might just be me?)
> Plus I didn't like having to use it as an environment map. So I went into
> Mental Mill and mucked about, only to realize that all the metaSL shaders
> mental mill is built on are now in softimage.
> In essence, mental mill is now (effectively) in the rendertree for all
> softimage users.
> Cool!
> But I wanted a "fire and forget" solution for MatCap shading, so I
> hunt-and-pecked my way through writing a metaSL MatCap shader directly.
> It seems to be working fine on my box, but I'm a pretty crap shader writer
> so I would appreciate any suggestions for improvement from any gurus out
> there.
> *You can find it here* -
> Cheers - AM
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Andy Moorer <> wrote:
>> :)
>> Although I wouldn't be surprised if that real time shader was too archaic
>> to run properly in the 2013 viewport... If that's the case, it shouldn't be
>> too difficult to make one even if you aren't a shader guy, using the
>> newly-released and free mental mill 1.2 (why they just released an update
>> to a supposedly deprecated tool I have no idea, but what the heck.)
>> On Feb 7, 2013, at 3:51 PM, Ed Manning <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Dan Yargici <>wrote:
>>> That's a great find Gustavo - thanks!
>>> DAN
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Gustavo Eggert Boehs <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>> The MentalRay equivelent of a MatCap would be a mirror ball (or a
>>>> grayball for shooting FG rays), they are part of the production library so
>>>> in SI you will see this shaders are named Mirror Ball (mip) and Gray Ball
>>>> (mip). Since the latest release of SI (with the HQ viewport and all)
>>>> nVidias's MetaSL library comes bundled in. In it you will find MetaSL
>>>> versions (which, for the most part, can be displayed in realtime through
>>>> HQV) of most MR shaders, including the mirror ball.
>>>> You will find the shader you want under MetaSL - Environment -
>>>> Map_Ball. Unlike the MR version, you cant plug this shader directly to your
>>>> surface, so you plug it in your enviroment and plug a completaly reflective
>>>> material for your surface shader.
>>>> For some reason the enviroment texture was not being degamma-ed, so I
>>>> have plug a colorcorrection in its output... anyways, the result is pretty
>>>> close to the rendered versio, outside some pinching that I have no idea
>>>> were it is coming from.
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Gustavo E Boehs

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