I like your keyboard graphic on your web site, very appealing :)


Thursday, April 04, 2013 11:58 AM
Can't say anything about Octane because i just toyed with it. But i really enjoyed Keyshot. 
Even if you can't really do animation rendering with it other than it's built in srt sytem, it's a very fast CPU based raytracer.
Very HDRI oriented. Can't remember if it has lights at all. For all i know i always rendered using ibl.
But apart from its obvious drawbacks, it's a very simple and effective choice for product designers and the like.

Of course, Reshift blows all of that to dust given it's tight app integration and gpu rendering speed.

visual | stuff
Thursday, April 04, 2013 9:39 AM
Well, if I understand correctly, RS does Distributed Monte Carlo, which is a bit different from Octane's Pathtracing. So you're not going to get an apples-to-apples comparison between the two. Now, I have Octane as well, and in my opinion, RS beats it soundly on modest hardware, both in performance and workflow. As others have said, the mere fact that RS is so well-integrated into Softimage is a BIG DEAL. I can't wait for multi-GPU support.


On 4/4/2013 4:12 AM, Doeke Wartena wrote:

Thursday, April 04, 2013 5:12 AM
How is redshift compared to octane?

Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:52 AM

Welcome to the "pro" card market... I only use quadros because that's what the sells we use ship with... Long gone are the days when people cards were worth their sticker price

Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:26 AM
I should be out of the office, but will test asap.
For the quadro, well it was bundled with the workstation (HP Z620). It's no problem if the quadro is more expensive and produce better performance. It becomes a problem if they are really bellow game cards.
Your gtx has more than 400 cores while the 4000 has 256... They are supposed to be stronger when working though...

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