I can totally confirm about Redshift.
Actually I was saving for dual Xeon system as well but then tested Redshift
and figured that for price of one Xeon CPU then I've got 2 titans... so at
the end I built 4x Titan system and it eats through everything, and still
with i7 3930k can do CPU rendering if / when needed.
Still beta but works great for 99% of the tasks. One comp render farm :)

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com> wrote:

> Hair is coming soon as well as strands.  For me Redshift is so fast that
> now I don't render without GI.  Also lighting is delicious as Redshift has
> also a progressive mode.  So you can adjust things easily and creativly.
> Before Redshift I was saving to buy a double Xeon to have at least 24
> cores of pure render power.   With my old GTX470 I was impressed with the
> speed and quality.  Goodbye to flickering with HDRI using FG.  Since
> Redshift all renders come without any flicker and noise in the blink of an
> eye compared to MR or even Arnold.  I started using it for production even
> from its first alpha versions.
> Instead of expending big bucks to upgrade my machine, I bought a Titan and
> now I have the Titan and the GTX470 in my four year old i7.
> Goodbye to MB and DOF passes and then comp.  Now from the beginning I have
> what I am looking for in terms of DOF and MB.   Those two shots of the
> Coors can with pouring liquid were rendered with my PC in less than 5 hours
> in a single pass.
> The biggest added value for me besides of course the render speed, is that
> I can continue on other tasks while rendering with the same computer.   I
> can start a render and still open Nuke or AE and do some other stuff while
> rendering.
> It had happended to me that I am doing other tasks and the render finished
> quiet ago.
> For a one man show, at least for me there is now no other render than
> Redshift.
> 2014/1/7 Sebastien Sterling <sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com>
>> Hair is unfortunately a breaker for me at this particular point as i'd
>> like to get some xp in that domain, but Redshift looks nice enough, how
>> does it handle compared to MR ? the number of times i've past the 15 min
>> mark with MR waiting for 1 bucket before calling the time of death never
>> knowing what param killed it...
>> I may eventually get it, also need to check my Nvidia card.
>> On 8 January 2014 04:55, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Sebastian have you tried Redshift.  The beta is only 100USD and it
>>> works like a charm, it is full integrated into Softimage and unless you are
>>> going to do Hair or Strands it is worth every penny.  Specially for a one
>>> man show.  Forget about CPU and use the GPU.
>>> In my case I can continue working while I am rendering and that is
>>> surely a big added value.
>>> Faster than MR and faster than Arnold, and zero flickering with GI in
>>> animation.
>>> 2014/1/7 Sebastien Sterling <sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com>
>>>> 9000€... it's going to be tough, but your worth it :)
>>>> On 6 January 2014 13:34, Sven Constable <sixsi_l...@imagefront.de>wrote:
>>>>> Maybe true but one thing to keep in mind is you don't have to spend
>>>>> extra money for mental ray (at least no significant amount). For one man
>>>>> shows like me mr is still useful. I use it on a small farm with 8 nodes
>>>>> plus the workstation. Switching to arnold will cost me 9000€ . Thats
>>>>> roughly the same cost that my whole DCC apps are about. I see mr like I 
>>>>> see
>>>>> the FXTree...it's does not compete to nuke but it's integrated in soft and
>>>>> already there.  I agree that there aren't any reasons to stay with mr
>>>>> except the the expense factor and legacy things.
>>>>> sven
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [mailto:
>>>>> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Tim Leydecker
>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 12:12 PM
>>>>> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year
>>>>> Now while we are at it.
>>>>> I´m currently preparing assets that need to be free of 3rd party
>>>>> functionality.
>>>>> This means I have to set them up with a mR shading network to start
>>>>> folks off with.
>>>>> mental ray. The common thing between 3DSMax, Maya and Softimage.
>>>>> Please.
>>>>> Kill it.
>>>>> It´s not getting anyone anywhere anymore. I don´t want to discuss
>>>>> details or legacy reasons.
>>>>> Kill it. It´s over. It won´t come back.
>>>>> Selling three different DCC apps that actually share the fact that you
>>>>> will first have to invest in a 3rd party renderer to get something looking
>>>>> half way decent out of them can´t be the most ideal situation but a pretty
>>>>> nice way of creating an industry standard of wasting people´s life with
>>>>> forcing them in personal overtime.
>>>>> What a crap.
>>>>> Really.
>>>>> Provide a renderer that actually works as advertised. Or don´t make me
>>>>> pay for that mR crap.
>>>>> tim
>>>>> On 06.01.2014 11:38, Graham Bell wrote:
>>>>> > Ah, the Dreamcast, a fine console but flawed form the beginning. The
>>>>> tech was ok, but really just a pc and essentially the predecessor to the
>>>>> Xbox.
>>>>> > The problem with the Dreamcast was that it launched right in the
>>>>> middle of when a lot of developers were looking to retool for the PS2.
>>>>> People were caught in the middle of whether to go short for the Dreamcast,
>>>>> or go long for the PS2. Most went with the PS2 and then eventually the 
>>>>> Xbox.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On the Soft and Maya usability front, personally I don't mind both,
>>>>> but then I've always been used to jumping between the two, even back in 
>>>>> the
>>>>> Power Animator and Soft3d days.
>>>>> > I've often heard that Maya is hard to learn, or its UI is tricky,
>>>>> but I think this is one of those myths. It's really no better, or worse
>>>>> than any other package to learn really. The one thing to remember about
>>>>> Maya, is that it's very open, it was designed that way. So there can be
>>>>> different (some would say to many) ways to do the same thing. Also, Maya
>>>>> has a lot of preferences, so you can actually change many things, 
>>>>> including
>>>>> the UI. It's mastering those things, that can often be the trick. I still
>>>>> see people now, some experienced Maya vets, who aren't using the hotbox or
>>>>> marking menus correctly and they can be key to Maya's UI and usability.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > However I'd still like some Softimage fairy dust sprinkled on some of
>>>>> > Maya's UI though. Now when it comes to Max, don't get me
>>>>> > started.......:-)
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>> > [mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Dan
>>>>> > Yargici
>>>>> > Sent: 06 January 2014 09:44
>>>>> > To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>> > Subject: Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Softimage is the Dreamcast of DCC apps.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Playstation had the slick marketing, Dreamcast had the tech but got
>>>>> chewed to pieces by the Playstation hype machine and Playstation won.  
>>>>> When
>>>>> Sega finally gave up on the console business every man and his dog came 
>>>>> out
>>>>> singing the praises of the Dreamcast.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Stefan Kubicek <
>>>>> s...@tidbit-images.com<mailto:s...@tidbit-images.com>> wrote:
>>>>> > Is it just my biased point of view that all studios that closed or
>>>>> filed for bancruptcy last year were Maya based?
>>>>> > It could of course be that there are more Maya based studios closing
>>>>> than Softimage based ones simply because there are more Maya based 
>>>>> studios,
>>>>> but I still smell a pattern there.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I always felt that the number of  users on Softimage is directly
>>>>> related to marketing efforts. I remember Alias/Wavefront doing a 
>>>>> remarkable
>>>>> job in the early days of Maya in this regard. I never saw anything like
>>>>> that happening for Softimage at any time of it's existence.
>>>>> > Ultimately, there are only two types of 3D artists: those who use
>>>>> Softimage, and those who have never tried. -> Get more prople to seriously
>>>>> try it.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > So guys, I spent a weekend working with Maya...HOW THE F@CK THIS
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This is the same question I always ask myself after using Maya when
>>>>> required...  and Maya being the "Industry Standard" makes you understand 
>>>>> so
>>>>> many things about the industry standards...
>>>>> >
>>>>> > [http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8965/erojamailpleca.jpg]
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 2014/1/6 Szabolcs Matefy
>>>>> > <szabol...@crytek.com<mailto:szabol...@crytek.com>>
>>>>> > So guys, I spent a weekend working with Maya...HOW THE F@CK THIS
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Ok, I can use Maya, I have a quite solid background working with
>>>>> Maya,
>>>>> > but seriously guys...It's so overcomplicated, and brainkilling...In
>>>>> > Softimage almost everything is just fine (OK, we need development),
>>>>> > but in Maya, the easiest task takes quite long compared to
>>>>> > SI...Finally I found myself fixing UVs, Unfolding, etc. in
>>>>> > Softimage...Anyway, I need some samples in Maya, so I take a big
>>>>> > breath, and continue working with Maya...But seriously, Softimage is
>>>>> > way better in many point of view. It has no artisan, has no PaintFX,
>>>>> > but for example rendering is way faster (with MR), shading setup is
>>>>> > way faster, modeling is lot faster, and so on. So I really don't
>>>>> > understand, how come that Softimage is not acknowledged at all. I
>>>>> > swear guys, that I'll spread the Word of Softimage
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Cheers
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Szabolcs
>>>>> >
>>>>> > From:
>>>>> > softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:
>>>>> softimage-bounces@listp
>>>>> > roc.autodesk.com>
>>>>> > [mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:
>>>>> softimage-bounc
>>>>> > e...@listproc.autodesk.com>] On Behalf Of Henry Katz
>>>>> > Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:18 PM
>>>>> > To:
>>>>> > softimage@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:
>>>>> softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > Subject: Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Good thing I asked.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On 01/04/2014 05:40 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:
>>>>> > Softimage doesn't support Python 3.x
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Henry Katz <hk-v...@iscs-i.com
>>>>> <mailto:hk-v...@iscs-i.com>> wrote:
>>>>> > Steve,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > No issues with python 3.3 as well, before I bruise my knuckles on
>>>>> the bleeding edge?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Cheers,
>>>>> > Henry
>>>>> > On 01/03/2014 02:47 AM, Steven Caron wrote:
>>>>> > really?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > install pyqt
>>>>> > set softimage to use system python, uncheck...
>>>>> > file>preferences>scripting>use python installed with softimage run
>>>>> the example scripts pyqtforsoftimage plugin provides. or just 'import 
>>>>> PyQt4'
>>>>> >
>>>>> > s
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Angus Davidson <
>>>>> angus.david...@wits.ac.za<mailto:angus.david...@wits.ac.za>> wrote:
>>>>> > A non nonsense guide to installing pYQT would be great. So many
>>>>> great tools are never used because people cant get past trying to get the
>>>>> install to work.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > -------------------------------------------
>>>>> > Stefan Kubicek
>>>>> > -------------------------------------------
>>>>> > keyvis digital imagery
>>>>> > Alfred Feierfeilstraße 3
>>>>> > A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien
>>>>> > Phone: +43/699/12614231<tel:%2B43%2F699%2F12614231>
>>>>> > www.keyvis.at<http://www.keyvis.at>
>>>>> > ste...@keyvis.at<mailto:ste...@keyvis.at>
>>>>> > -- This email and its attachments are -- --confidential and for the
>>>>> > recipient only--
>>>>> >

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