I also believe that Fabric Engine is going to rock.  I have been following
it very closely.  For me I just need one more high level step and give it a
try to integrate it into my personal workflow.

The only thing I thank Maya is that I got into scripting again, and it got
me to start scripting in Softimage to make some simple but usefull tools.

The last programming I did before, was in Turbo Pascal a long, long time

Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.

2014-03-05 22:55 GMT-06:00 Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com>:

> Haha Stephen.  Reading your post it just happened the same to me with the
> Softiamge 3D transition to XSI.
> Until one day I uninstalled Softimge 3D for sure.  I started at XSI 3.0
> Glad to see I was not the only one.
> Cheers!
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
> 2014-03-05 22:31 GMT-06:00 Stephen Davidson <magic...@bellsouth.net>:
> I have to agree with Emilio. I have over 10 years of experience with the
>> present interface, and I remember
>> postponing the transition from Softimage 3D to XS,I in 2000, for almost 3
>> years. I'm glad I did it now, but it was
>> painful. Now that I have a snappy render from Redshift 3D, and I'm
>> finally starting to play around with ICE
>> compounds, I really don't want to start that process all over again.
>>  One of the reason that I have stuck with Softimage is because I have
>> tried to learn other 3D Apps and
>> the path is so painfully slow, and I need to get work done quickly, as I
>> am a freelancer and not on
>> corporate welfare (my term for being able to educate yourself while on
>> the corporate dime)
>> It is so much easier to add new tools (plugins and ICE compounds) a bit
>> at a time, as needed for
>> projects.
>> I will give a simple example. I needed to animate grass growing and
>> blowing in the wind for a commercial.
>> I already knew that strands might be a good way to accomplish the basics
>> of the scene. I did a little
>> research and found Zybrand Grass 3.0 <http://vimeo.com/48832905> . Now,
>> through the kindness of Zybrand Jacobs, I has a nice set of
>> compounds that helped me design something more custom to the job. Plug
>> and play around a little, as
>> opposed to reinventing the wheel.
>> I also know where all the "knobs and switches" are I am "comfortable" in
>> the cockpit of Softimage.
>> Maybe it is just a case of an old dog refusing to learn new tricks, but
>> it is invested time, that I
>> am not producing animation and making money. How bad can the SDK be,
>> anyway? I must
>> admit, I am clueless to that aspect, as I am not even a good TD.
>> Alok, I like you attitude. working with what we already have and not
>> starting all over again.
>> Just my 2 (not TD) cents.
>> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com>wrote:
>>> Not really Raffaele.
>>> There are a lot of us that switching to other tool will mean loss of
>>> time and be less competitive by using other software.  Specially Maya.  And
>>> that in my particular case I can hold up at Softimage as long as there is
>>> an OS that runs it.
>>> How far can you improve your workflow with other DCC tools compared to
>>> Softimage, if Softimage is still the best tool there, even if it is dead?
>>> How much development are you expecting of Maya to behave the way
>>> Softimage does.
>>> A fresh toolset will make a "dead" software even more efficient.  So
>>> there is a market IMHO that will get this tools.
>>> The problem with Combustion is not that it was dumped or stopped
>>> running, It still runs very good.  The problem was the lack of plugins that
>>> will actually will make me work faster.
>>> That is why I turned into other comp apps.  Not because it is out of
>>> date or useless now.
>>> Just a thought.
>>> Cheers!
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
>>> 2014-03-05 21:18 GMT-06:00 Raffaele Fragapane <
>>> raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>:
>>> Can I humbly suggest TDs spend their time more productively instead, for
>>>> both themselves and the community, and start looking at other vendors?
>>>> We can wish upon a star all we want, but, as hurtful as it might be,
>>>> Soft is dead and will not be brought back to life. You can tazer the corpse
>>>> until it spasms, but it won't be life.
>>>> What you COULD do, however, for the sake of the same people that made
>>>> Soft what you loved as a software and as a community, is make good use of
>>>> your time to diversify your skills and give support to platforms such as
>>>> Fabric.
>>>> Hopefully I won't get flamed or misunderstood for this, but honestly,
>>>> there'd be no worse thing to see than seeing people doing further damage to
>>>> themselves by clinging to a corpse after the damage done to the app and its
>>>> history.
>>>> Look at LW to see the depth of sadness this can get to. I'd rather the
>>>> people I've come to know and respect on this list don't devolve into what's
>>>> left of its userbase.
>>>> You also get to make more of a difference for the future of industry
>>>> and vendors if you spend your time on a project that has a chance to live,
>>>> and you get to learn a lot of things that Soft is entirely too far behind
>>>> on for you to properly learn on.
>>>> Sorry, might sound cold, but it's a helluva lot more practical.
>>>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Alok Gandhi 
>>>> <alok.gandhi2...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hey Guys,
>>>>> Calling out all the Soft Tool developers/ TDs out there. I know there
>>>>> are lots of awesome out there for Soft but let's create more tools for the
>>>>> community.
>>>>> I am willing to devote my time to develop more tools and will ask the
>>>>> same of other developers.
>>>>> If anyone has a request / idea for a Tool from Soft that they need,
>>>>> please post it here.
>>>>> Developers please feel free to take on this projects.
>>>>> If anyone likes this idea and can quickly setup a web page (like
>>>>> redmine ticket system), it will be great.
>>>>>  Cheers !
>>>> --
>>>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship
>>>> it and let them flee like the dogs they are!
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> *  Stephen P. Davidson*
>> *(954) 552-7956*    sdavid...@3danimationmagic.com
>> *Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*
>>    - Arthur C. Clarke
>> <http://www.3danimationmagic.com>

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