I'll throw it there, but its more towards the Fabric Engine guys ( and for
you too of course )

Since some of the Softimage users do not use python ( blasphemy, I know ),
yesterday I was looking at Fabric engine and it has huge potentials

They said clearly that if you're not familiar with python you'll struggle
to achieve something, since it does almost "nothing" out of the box, and
its up to you what you would like to create/code.

So....what about a node-based logic system ala ICE? What I mean is visual
programming that would simplify life for someone who's not familiar with
python or programming in general

2014-03-06 7:26 GMT+01:00 Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com>:

> Well speaking of soultions, what I use in my arsenal being Softimage the
> core of my small but efficient pipeline is:
> 3D related
> PFtrack
> Vue
> Realflow
> Zbrush
> Mari
> Comp related and VFX
> AE
> Nuke
> Mocha
> Editing
> Media Composer
> Finishing
> DS  This one is now also discontinued by Avid, but I fell in love when
> Softimage launched it.
> Encoding
> Media Encoder
> I have Maya also to keep up with it and when I have to deliver assets in
> this platform, and 3DMax as they come together in the suite.  But mostly
> when I buy some models that are only available in 3dMAX to click the "send
> to Softimage" button.
> I've spend a lot and I am still doing it just to keep current with all of
> these babies.
> Now getting Softimage out of the equation and buy a Modo license and add
> an aditional $7,000 for Houdini.  Well, no thanks at this moment.
> And now that I don't have to keep current with Softimage, I can invest my
> money in new or udpated addons for SI.
> Yes I am a passionate of Softimage.  But I have also a business to run and
> a family to support.
> So it is not a denial phase or fanatic stage.  It is the way I bring food
> to the table.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
> 2014-03-05 23:29 GMT-06:00 Jason S <jasonsta...@gmail.com>:
>  Perhaps 3 years might be pushing-it.
>> Most people having moved from 1 different solution in the past can become
>> productive after a month or two in a new environment, remapping pretty much
>> the same concepts in a different interface (and hotkeys)
>> (intimidation being the main obstacle)
>> But looking (or especially experiencing) various steps involved for
>> achieving various things in various apps.. is where it becomes clear what
>> solution has been (and hasn't stopped being) on the bleeding edge.
>>  (that being a more or less crude generalization of course)
>> But enough for it to remain a reference of "what to top" in terms of how
>> streamlined many common tasks are,
>> but also in regards to .. lets call it "tool interop stability"
>> (or having/making elaborate setups work or not explode) for instance
>> among other core aspects,
>> (such as changing things after everyhtings done)
>> for any new app coming along.
>> On 03/05/14 23:31, Stephen Davidson wrote:
>> I have to agree with Emilio. I have over 10 years of experience with the
>> present interface, and I remember
>> postponing the transition from Softimage 3D to XS,I in 2000, for almost 3
>> years. I'm glad I did it now, but it was
>> painful. Now that I have a snappy render from Redshift 3D, and I'm
>> finally starting to play around with ICE
>> compounds, I really don't want to start that process all over again.
>>  One of the reason that I have stuck with Softimage is because I have
>> tried to learn other 3D Apps and
>> the path is so painfully slow, and I need to get work done quickly, as I
>> am a freelancer and not on
>> corporate welfare (my term for being able to educate yourself while on
>> the corporate dime)
>>  It is so much easier to add new tools (plugins and ICE compounds) a bit
>> at a time, as needed for
>> projects.
>>  I will give a simple example. I needed to animate grass growing and
>> blowing in the wind for a commercial.
>> I already knew that strands might be a good way to accomplish the basics
>> of the scene. I did a little
>> research and found Zybrand Grass 3.0 <http://vimeo.com/48832905> . Now,
>> through the kindness of Zybrand Jacobs, I has a nice set of
>> compounds that helped me design something more custom to the job. Plug
>> and play around a little, as
>> opposed to reinventing the wheel.
>>  I also know where all the "knobs and switches" are I am "comfortable"
>> in the cockpit of Softimage.
>> Maybe it is just a case of an old dog refusing to learn new tricks, but
>> it is invested time, that I
>> am not producing animation and making money. How bad can the SDK be,
>> anyway? I must
>> admit, I am clueless to that aspect, as I am not even a good TD.
>>  Alok, I like you attitude. working with what we already have and not
>> starting all over again.
>> Just my 2 (not TD) cents.
>> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com>wrote:
>>>     Not really Raffaele.
>>>  There are a lot of us that switching to other tool will mean loss of
>>> time and be less competitive by using other software.  Specially Maya.  And
>>> that in my particular case I can hold up at Softimage as long as there is
>>> an OS that runs it.
>>>  How far can you improve your workflow with other DCC tools compared to
>>> Softimage, if Softimage is still the best tool there, even if it is dead?
>>>  How much development are you expecting of Maya to behave the way
>>> Softimage does.
>>>  A fresh toolset will make a "dead" software even more efficient.  So
>>> there is a market IMHO that will get this tools.
>>> The problem with Combustion is not that it was dumped or stopped
>>> running, It still runs very good.  The problem was the lack of plugins that
>>> will actually will make me work faster.
>>>  That is why I turned into other comp apps.  Not because it is out of
>>> date or useless now.
>>>  Just a thought.
>>>  Cheers!
>>>  -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
>>>  2014-03-05 21:18 GMT-06:00 Raffaele Fragapane <
>>> raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>:
>>>  Can I humbly suggest TDs spend their time more productively instead,
>>>> for both themselves and the community, and start looking at other vendors?
>>>>  We can wish upon a star all we want, but, as hurtful as it might be,
>>>> Soft is dead and will not be brought back to life. You can tazer the corpse
>>>> until it spasms, but it won't be life.
>>>>  What you COULD do, however, for the sake of the same people that made
>>>> Soft what you loved as a software and as a community, is make good use of
>>>> your time to diversify your skills and give support to platforms such as
>>>> Fabric.
>>>>  Hopefully I won't get flamed or misunderstood for this, but honestly,
>>>> there'd be no worse thing to see than seeing people doing further damage to
>>>> themselves by clinging to a corpse after the damage done to the app and its
>>>> history.
>>>> Look at LW to see the depth of sadness this can get to. I'd rather the
>>>> people I've come to know and respect on this list don't devolve into what's
>>>> left of its userbase.
>>>>  You also get to make more of a difference for the future of industry
>>>> and vendors if you spend your time on a project that has a chance to live,
>>>> and you get to learn a lot of things that Soft is entirely too far behind
>>>> on for you to properly learn on.
>>>>  Sorry, might sound cold, but it's a helluva lot more practical.
>>>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Alok Gandhi 
>>>> <alok.gandhi2...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hey Guys,
>>>>>  Calling out all the Soft Tool developers/ TDs out there. I know
>>>>> there are lots of awesome out there for Soft but let's create more tools
>>>>> for the community.
>>>>>  I am willing to devote my time to develop more tools and will ask
>>>>> the same of other developers.
>>>>>  If anyone has a request / idea for a Tool from Soft that they need,
>>>>> please post it here.
>>>>>  Developers please feel free to take on this projects.
>>>>>  If anyone likes this idea and can quickly setup a web page (like
>>>>> redmine ticket system), it will be great.
>>>>>  Cheers !
>>>>   --
>>>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship
>>>> it and let them flee like the dogs they are!
>>  --
>>  Best Regards,
>> *  Stephen P. Davidson*
>> *(954) 552-7956 *    sdavid...@3danimationmagic.com
>> *Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*
>>    - Arthur C. Clarke
>> <http://www.3danimationmagic.com>

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