1. Modelling tools - (everything from snapping / m etc...hell, even the
bevel tool is something I cant live without)
2. UI - from the layout to things like multiple instances of the same
windows, locking panels etc (I can live without the viewcube...I know its
autodesk's gold star feature, but...im ok, thanks)
3. Passes - very intuitive and easy to use.
4. ICE - ive only scratched the surface with it, but its been very handy
5. small things....like the ability to change a texture res displayed in
the viewport, per texture, on the fly....very, very handy for checking game
texture size. or passing a imageclip through fxtree to get a realtime color
correction on it to see what it looks like in the scene next to other
models...extremely handy (that said, if rendertree could display realtime
edits on clips, that would be even better...no renders please, some of us
live in the games world)

meh, choosing 5 best is leaving too much on the table

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:29 PM, Jon Swindells

>  1. Tool/gfxSequencer API
> 2. Gator
> 3. Operators (ICE, scops  - dev and gen usage)
> 4. Rig and shapes workflow
> 5. M-tool
> --
>  Jon Swindells
>  jon_swinde...@fastmail.fm

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