If there was better and more extensive handling of AE templates that
transferred to the NE so much of that could be obviated, things like being
able to set flags for filtering, locking connection/disconnection and
having ordering respected, and being able to properly default them.
That's kind of a theme with Maya, there is a lot you can do to ease the
pain, but you all too frequently need to do it over and over again, or only
goes the easy 80% and not the hard final 20%, so in the end you don't
bother all that often...

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 12:06 AM, Eric Turman <i.anima...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The biggest problem that I have with the self-loops is that it is all too
> easy to accidentally disconnect one when re-arranging the nodes and not
> notice that you have done so.
> Additionally, the connection popup for additional channels is annoying &
> tedious; I'd like most of the channels that are there cloistered away so
> that the NE does not become more chaotic to use, but always having to go
> there for something simple and straightforward as an "input 2" all the time
> is, at worst, enough to practically make a body go postal, and, at best,
> enough to suck what little life is left out of the "fun" of working with
> Maya.
> The rigs that I've been making in Maya lately have heavy usage of the NE
> and the fact that every node appears in the channel box is both scary and
> irritating to animators.
> -=T=-

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