Yep, I couldn't find a good enough sword so I put that in :D

Possibly during the weekend I'll updated the scene with a multi-level
environment ( which helps a lot with the ridiculous restriction on mobile )
and maybe turn it into a game, but I doubt it ( single person development
with zero programming knowledge ), but I'm curious to see how other people
will use this setup

2016-08-04 13:00 GMT+02:00 Sebastien Sterling <>

> Is that Artoria's sword :P
> On 4 August 2016 at 12:39, Olivier Jeannel <> wrote:
>> Super ! Please keep us posted, very inspirating !
>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Enter Reality <> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I just want to share one of the projects I'm developing using the GearVR
>>> and a mocap suit.
>>> In short I'm walking inside a VR environment using the mocap suit to
>>> walk around and interact with the environment
>>> GearVR Test Demo <>
>>> I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and the Noitom Perception Neuron
>>> Suit, and all the data is sent to the smartphone via Wifi...a bit laggy,
>>> but considenring the setup I'm quite satisfied by the results.
>>> I've shared the entire project on the UE4 forum
>>> <!-)>
>>> if someone want to test the scene
>>> The video shows just a very simple environment, but future updates will
>>> include more content and features.
>>> I'm not planning to focus on games using this setup, but I guess that
>>> this is a good way to show everyone what I'm doing.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Nicolas Esposito
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