Yep, I understood what you were getting at, I just wanted to make it clear for those who are still learning all this :)

On 06/03/2017 17:20, Christopher Crouzet wrote:
Indeed, which is why I mentioned the “detail” mode which brings you back to O(N). Not saying that one approach is better than the other though, only that it is possible.

On 7 March 2017 at 00:12, Andy Nicholas < <>> wrote:

    Yep it is possible, but you wouldn't want to do it because each
    calculation of the maximum value would be running across N points
    to calculate that. That'd make it an O(N^2) operation, albeit
    spread over multiple threads.

    It might seem like a pain to have to do this in advance using an
    Attribute Promote, but by doing so, it's actually forcing you to
    work in a more efficient way. Go with it ;)

    On 06/03/2017 16:32, Christopher Crouzet wrote:
    It /is/ possible to retrieve the maximum value in a VOP since
    nothing stops anyone from manually iterating through all the
    points of the geometry. This kind of operation might be more
    suited in “detail” mode though.

    Also, having the ramp normalized to the [0, 1] range in both the
    X and Y axis is usually “workarounded” by adding a float
    parameter for the amplitude (Y axis) that is used as a global
    multiplier (making later tweakings convenient!), and a float2
    parameter for the target range (X axis) that is then remapped
    using `fit("my_ramp", 0.0, 1.0, range_min, range_max)` (which is
    also convenient for later tweakings!).

    Now, if you really want to have an actual FCurve, then just
    create a simple float parameter, add all the keys however you
    want, then query it in using `chf("my_param",
    the_time_in_seconds)` in VEX/VOP, or using the equivalent expression.

    On 6 March 2017 at 23:29, Jonathan Moore
    < <>> wrote:

        Fabricio ,

        The Attribute Promote help page has approx 15 examples you
        can load. Hopefully you might find something within the
        examples to inspires a solution.

        <>] *On Behalf
        Of *Olivier Jeannel
        *Sent:* 06 March 2017 15:56
        *To:* Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list

        *Subject:* Re: houdini question (and where to ask)

        You can't get the "get maximum in set" when inside a vop.

        But, you get those options with the promote attribute sop.

        On Monday, March 6, 2017, Oscar Juarez
        <>> wrote:

            I would like to be proven wrong, but that would be the
            way, I mean in your second pointvop you don't need to add
            another noise, your noise is already saved in an
            attribute, when you promote just check off delete
            original and you can access the same noise. Also noises
            have specific output ranges, they come in the
            documentation, so you can always add a fit node to change
            your range to what you need, in the geometry spreadsheet
            you can also sort by value so you can see max and min.

            If you press X with your mouse over the noise output it
            will add a visualization node, you can visualize on the
            viewport or in the geometry spreadsheet the values. I
            know its not the same but as far as I know their is no
            way to do the same as the get maximum in set node in a
            vopsop context.

            On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:57 PM, Fabricio Chamon
            <> wrote:

                thanks everyone. The ramp parameter kind of works but
                as you say, is not that user friendly and does not
                show the points below 0. (that's ok, but I wonder if
                it is possible to write a custom widget in houdini)

                anyway, the thing I could not get right just yet is
                that sort of "get maximum in set" thing. Sorry for
                using ICE language, I'm trying to be open minded
                here, so please tell me if that`s not the correct

                so on this graph:

                Imagem inline 1

       could I get the maximum value of the output
                noise node and compare to a single point output of
                the same node?

                From what I can tell, I'd have to:

                1- create this pointvop node with a turbnoise, then
                store the output noise into an attribute (via

                2- up one level -> drop an attrib promote (detail),
                set to maximum

                3- drop another pointvop node with another noise node
                inside (same parameters) and compare the result noise
                to that found on the atrib promote node??

                I'm 99% sure this is totally would you go
                about that single task specifically?

                and finally, thanks for the suggestions on houdini
                forums and discord. will try both (although I pretty
                much like this list =) )

                2017-03-06 15:17 GMT+01:00 gareth bell

                    yeah - the lack of handles is frustrating


                    on behalf of Olivier Jeannel <>
                    *Sent:* 06 March 2017 14:05:17
                    *To:* Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
                    *Subject:* Re: houdini question (and where to ask)

                    yep but it has no handles

                    and try to make négative values, it takes them
                    but wont show on the curve as it has a 0,1 space.

                    Unless i'm wrong (which i'd love to be)

                    Le 6 mars 2017 14:36, "Olivier Jeannel"
                    <> a écrit :

                        in vop, bind and bind export node will get an
                        set datas.

                        Ramp Parameters is sort of fcurve.

                        It's a bit weak in terms of curve
                        manipulation, but does the job.

                        It has 2 modes rgb (ramp) and spline.

                        If you use several ramps in the same vop,
                        name them with different name or they might
                        not export.

                        Le 6 mars 2017 14:28, "Fabricio Chamon"
                        <> a écrit :

                            ..sorry, hit send too soon.

                            Question #1: are there any equivalents to
                            ICE "get ... in set"? or or do I have to
                            iterate and store values for later
                            comparision? In other words: what is the
                            best or recommended workflow to compare
                            single point data with global point data?

                            Question #2: any nodes that resemble a
                            fCurve node, like we have in ICE? if not,
                            what is the alternative?

                            and finally, I can see this list is
                            becoming more and more houdini-esque than
                            ever..but, what is the best place to ask
                            beginner questions like the above?
                            houdini foruns, houdini list, odForce...


                            2017-03-06 14:23 GMT+01:00 Fabricio
                            Chamon <>:

                                Hi, I'm slowly getting into houdini
                                and this is my first attempt to port
                                a really simple ridged fractal
                                deformer made in ICE to houdini
                                (using pointvop).

                                Question #1: are there any
                                equivalents to ICE "get ... in set"?
                                or or do I have to iterate and store
                                values for later comparision? In
                                other words: what is the best or
                                recommended workflow to compare
                                single point data with

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