How interesting.  Well, whatever the reason I still only very 
occasionally get any spam, yet when I look at the maillog there are 
countless attempts to send me span each day.  One in particular that 
is amusing is to one email address I used exactly ONE time 10 years 
ago.  There are hundreds of attempts to send me email to that address, 
every day.

So spamdyke is still tops in my mind and I look forward to Eric's 

On 7/10/2012 11:00 AM, wrote:
> What does all that mean?  I have no idea -- remember what Mark Twain said 
> about statistics.  I didn't do anything to match senders to recipients, check 
> if the messages were actually spam, allow for frequent senders or mailing 
> lists, check if the rejections came before or after the successes, etc.  (For 
> that matter, I'm not even completely sure my search commands were written 
> correctly.)  Also, since the DNS filters kick in before graylisting does, 
> it's impossible to say how the graylisting percentage would change if I 
> turned off all the DNS filters.  Until those factors are accounted for, the 
> numbers don't actually mean anything.  Hopefully Eric's script will allow for 
> all that (assuming he's writing one). :)

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